
#228 Repainting issue with v3.0.0.0 on Windows


Dear freeglut team

I am encountering a repainting issue with freeglut v3.0.0.0 on Windows 7. As soon as I move the
glut main window below another top level window the glutDisplayFunc callback function isn't called anymore. The repainting happens only at the end of the move when the WM_LBUTTONUP mouse message is processed by the window procedure. A cross check with v2.8.1.0 revealed no such problem.

All mentioned freeglut binaries were downloaded from

Please find attached a screenshot illustrating the problem. If you have further questions don't hesitate to ask.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best regards

1 Attachments


  • Diederick C. Niehorster

    Hi Frank,

    Thanks for the report. The way drawing is done has changed slightly,
    so indeed, it is possible things behave differently between versions.
    I think for both versions drawing/animation is paused when you start
    dragging the window (it is very hard to implement continuous animation
    in this case due to the way mouse drags are handled by Windows), but
    such smearing as seen in your screenshot should not occur. This
    happens not when you drag the window, but only when it moves under
    another top level window (and appears again out from under it)? Could
    you add a little message (printf) to std out in your display callback
    and see if there are any differences in when and if at all it gets
    called between the two freeglut versions as you drag the window like

    Thanks and all the best,

  • dexterity2000

    dexterity2000 - 2015-07-25

    Hi Dee

    happens not when you drag the window, but only when it moves under
    another top level window (and appears again out from under it)?


    you add a little message (printf) to std out in your display callback
    and see if there are any differences in when and if at all it gets
    called between the two freeglut versions as you drag the window like

    Already did this.:-)

    v2.8.1.0: Callback function is continuously called when dragging glut window while another top level window is above. But when no top level window is above, the callback function gets only called when the left mouse button is released.

    v3.0.0.0: Callback function is only called, without exceptions, when the left mouse button is released.

    Added another screenshot showing this effect when the glut window is dragged from the left border of the screen towards the centre.



    Last edit: dexterity2000 2015-07-25
    • Diederick C. Niehorster

      Hi Frank,

      Cool, thanks for those further details, testing and screenshot. I'll
      look into it. I can't promise it'll be very soon, but it should be
      either fixed or not fixed (not sure how this interacts with the new
      drawing method, that has other benefits that we wish to keep) by then.
      I'm aiming for fixed of course!


  • dexterity2000

    dexterity2000 - 2015-07-27

    Hi Dee

    I would be very happy if you solved this. In my opinion this is a bug. Thanks in advance for your efforts.



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