
#44 Fix: ftp_rename() ... command failed. Unable to ...

Unstable (example)
Hook (1)

Hi there,

I've found the cause for this problem.

I have analyzed the error message on my PC beginning with <b>Warning</b> ftp_rename() [...] in Post_Stage2.php on line 133 and found underneath the two hashs '##' . These hashs indicate (see Post_Stage2.php in /var/www/fog/service ) , that the task is complete.
Because of the displayed warning, the task can not be completed.

So I have turned off PHP warnings, and the task can be completed successfully.

To turn off (only) PHP warnings, go to /etc/php5/apache2/ and open php.ini with vim etc.
Go to line 317 (error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE), and put a semicolon in front.
Go to line 313 (error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR) and delete the semicolon in front of it.

That's it.

For those who have problems with my english, see the attached file.

Best regards.


In the root directory, go to /etc/php5/apache2/ and open php.ini with vim etc.
Go to line 317 (error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE) and put a semicolon in front.
Go to line 313 (error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR) and delete the semicolon in front of that command.

Save your modification!

That's it!




  • sergej

    sergej - 2011-05-30

    PHP5 ini file

  • mastacontrola

    mastacontrola - 2014-05-26
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: mastacontrola
    • Group: --> Unstable (example)
  • mastacontrola

    mastacontrola - 2014-05-26

    This issue has been corrected in the latest of FOG. Closing as the issue should be fixed.

    As always, if there's any issues please let us know on the forums.


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