
For new members of a project

  • Basil Voronkov

    Basil Voronkov - 2004-02-12

    Welcome to the project!

    Currenly we have 2 public forums and 1 private for discussing development details. The prefered support mechanism is a bug tracking system. Probably we can create more specific forums for the developers. One for web development, one for analysis/documentation, etc.

    The current project status is pre-alfa. It means that in a week (at least I hope so) a first source-code release would be made. It is development in C#, in a wide perspective it can be ported to unix-based systems (at least when mono would be fast enough and would have a normal IDE with integrated debugger). C# is a great thing, but it has a serious lack of a normal preprocessor. I was even thinking about external preprocessor, which can be luched before the main compiler. If you know some decisions please tell me.
    What do you need to build a project. First of all you should download .NET Framework 1.1 and .NET Framework SDK. It is free and you can get all this things here: Unfortunately now we do not have any system for automating builds but I am thinking of making use of something like NAnt. The problem is that I've never used such things and I do not know "where to start". And actually it is very important to give everyone a possibility to build a project by lunching a single script.
    Then I was thinking about regular nightly builds. I can do it by myself at 24:00 (GMT+3:00), but again we need any build system.

    The project currently can't really accept any donations. The problem is that PayPal cannot work with russian bank accounts. I can't say that it is really important, but if you have any suggestions...

    Do not forget to sign for the mailing list. Mailing list is great thing actually - it is some sort of a spam-making system. :) Speaking seriously, mailing list (in the case if you do not know) gives you a capability to send messages to all members of a project at one time. And to receive such messages also. It "simples" in some sort a colloboration of developers.

    • slimedrink

      slimedrink - 2004-03-30

      to project admin

      If you would like to receive donations, I have a PayPal account. You could use that, but change the passwords/ login-names so that you control the account and not me.


    • Basil Voronkov

      Basil Voronkov - 2004-03-30

      We can discuss it via email. Probably, it's good idea for you to control this account if you don't mind.


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