
#71 FreeDOS 1.1 test release #2 - Keyb crashes


If I select the Germany Language by the installation from the CD-Image in VMware-Player the keyb crashes and I can not continue the installation


  • Robert Riebisch

    Robert Riebisch - 2011-07-19

    I can confirm a crash for VMware Player 3.1.4, but I'm able to continue after pressing [Escape]. Actually the crash output is from JemmEx: Exception 06 occured at CS:EIP=0EDD:0000150C. CS:EIP points to 0F 00 00 A0 A0 05 03 07. This hex string is inside KEYBOARD.SYS. Adding options "NOVME NOINVLPG" to FDCONFIG.SYS and rebuilding the ISO doesn't help.

  • Anthony Williams

    There may be a regression with the 2.6 (circa 2009) KEYB*.SYS files. I too had mysterious crashes until I reverted to 2006's (2.5) older version. Of course, this may be something else completely, but it's worth noting just in case. Anyways, Aitor may release a new KEYB (2.1 ?) during the summer, so we'd best wait for that.

  • Robert Riebisch

    Robert Riebisch - 2011-07-27

    Problem still present with test release #3 (fd11tst3.iso).

  • Aitor Santamaría Merino

    • status: open --> pending-out-of-date
  • Aitor Santamaría Merino

    Please try with KEYB 2.01 and report (it may have been one of the bugs fixed there).
    I leave it as pending test.

  • Aitor Santamaría Merino

    • assigned_to: Aitor Santamaría Merino
    • Group: --> freedos12
  • Aitor Santamaría Merino

  • Aitor Santamaría Merino

    Upon editting, bug tracker doesn't like the group to be an empty field, and it got assigned to FreeDOS 1.2.
    Still pending testing.

  • fritz.mueller

    fritz.mueller - 2024-08-13

    This should be fixed with FD 1.3 and the most actual version FDT24xx that can be downloaded here:
    In some special cases you have to add a /e when invoking mkeyb in fdauto.bat.
    I think this thread can be closed.

  • Shidel

    Shidel - 2024-08-15
    • status: pending-out-of-date --> closed

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