
4digits 0.4 Released.

4digits 0.4 is released today.

This is the first version shipped with a GUI. The GUI is written with PyGTK, this makes the game more easy to run under other operating systems. Just install PyGTK and python-glade, and the game can run. This is my third GUI program, so it is still simple.

The text C program is still included, and will be included in future versions, but is renamed to 4digits-text. 4digits now launches the GUI version.

This version also ships an HTML documentation of the game with nice screenshots.

If anyone can help me translate or package it for Linux or any operating system, I greatly appreciate it. I'd like to hear feedback and feature wishes.

Finally, many thanks to the guys in #python at who have helped me.

Posted by Yongzhi Pan 2007-03-22

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