
Thanks for the welcome

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've tried you script, but can't seem to make it work.
    I've put some pictures (400 pixels wide - landscape) and some thumbnails (100 pixels wide, same name with _th at the end [before .jpg extension]) into the pictures folder and as this didn't work into a folder called 'General' as well (the 'General' folder residing withing the pictures folder).
    I left the settings as they were, apart from changing the name to mine and uploaded it all onto my webspace, hosted by 1&1, on which I've run php scripts successfully before, opened a browser (Safari, Firefox, Opera) and navigated to the index.php file, but all I get is a white page.
    What am I doing wrong? I thought, as I could run basic cgi/php scripts like guestbook, search, etc. everything was already set up for your script.  Am I wrong?
    Any kind of help would be appreciated.

    • siriusfox

      siriusfox - 2007-07-14

      Your problem is odd to me. There are a few things that would cause an error like this, all of them have to do with permissions of the uploaded file. I'd like you to do a few things.

      First, download and try the 1.0.2 release that I just put out today. Based on the problem your having though I doubt that it will fix it, but the updates included should help if nothing else. Install this update as if it was a clean install. Then put the pictures you have generated into the pictures folder as you did before. (Where the folder or "Pictures Group" General is within the pictures folder. An example path would be /fhmain/pictures/General/samplepicture.jpg).

      A white page signifies a fatal error in a PHP Script, with errors turned off. So to find out what the error is, we need to turn errors on locally. AFTER UPGRADING open your index.php file. The first 10 lines should be the following.

      /*  Here the code beings to be  */
      /*  Complex. Only edit here if  */
      /*  You must.                   */

      You need to change the code as follows. Copy line #9, and delete it. Then insert the part you have copied above the first include statement. Then change 'Off' to 'On'.
      The first 10 lines should now look like the following.

      /*  Here the code beings to be  */
      /*  Complex. Only edit here if  */
      /*  You must.                   */

      Now load the page in your web browser again, copy the text from the page and paste it here. This should give me enough information to determine the problem.
      FotoHound Developer.

      • siriusfox

        siriusfox - 2007-07-14

        Ah this is a simple fix. I overlooked a PHP5 only function. I'll post updated version that is PHP4 compatible within the next hour. There is one other bug that might be occurring in vjs.php, so I'll try to pin it down as soon as possible.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Fatal error: Call to undefined function: str_ireplace() in /homepages/12/d200967923/htdocs/armin/testfolder/fhmain/index.php on line 83

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks a lot

      • siriusfox

        siriusfox - 2007-07-14

        New Version is up. I've tested it to the best of my ability, it should run under PHP4 no problem now.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      With the new version I get the following error now:

      Error 500 - Internal server error

      An internal server error has occured!
      Please try again later.

      • siriusfox

        siriusfox - 2007-07-14

        This sounds very odd. PHP shouldn't cause an 500 error. This isn't going to be an error in the execution of the script. Delete the PHP files you've installed and try one more time if you haven't already.

        Firstly, if this server is public please post the URL to said server here.

        Secondly, try the change again to test for errors. Change ini_set('display_errors','Off');  to ini_set('display_errors','On');
        If the error is in PHP it should give you something to go on.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I uploaded the script again, but this time via Transmit instead of Dreamweaver.  Previously I had check in/out and Contribute compatibility enabled in Dreamweaver, which added a notes folder and a lot of invisible files (.LCK for emails to be sent etc.).  I deleted all of them via Transmit and voilà, it worked.

      Thank you very much, for your help with the previous problem though.

      PS. As you thought, the internal server error had nothing to do with your script and naturally enabling error display didn't show anything.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What are the criteria for the order in which the pictures are displayed? I've named my pictures "aeroplanes01.jpg", "aeroplanes02.jpg", etc. up to 11, but on the thumbnail page they appear from 11 down to 06.
      The arrow at the end of the first 6 thumbnails doesn't bring you to the next five.  In fact it does nothing.

      • siriusfox

        siriusfox - 2007-07-15

        Currently the criteria for the picture display order is age (Via Modification Date). This is so if you upload more pictures into an album the newer ones appear in front. If you'd like I can add a setting in the next version that will sort everything alphabetically (Including numbered order).

        Although I noticed something. On your site the Javascript code isn't working. Everything except a few lines is coming out properly. Would you mind going into the file vjs.php and turning on errors for that page then load and tell me if it displays an error?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is this why the arrow to the right of the first 6 thumbnails is not working?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ok, here the results:

      PHP Version 4.4.7

      Server API: CGI

      • siriusfox

        siriusfox - 2007-07-16

        Open up vjs.php. And delete line 10. It should be $_GET['s'] = "Zoo/"
        I must have left some debugging code in during distribution. Sorry.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      As I've already mentioned this webspace is with a well known hosting company (1&1), so there may be quite a few people with the same problem, if they want to try your script.  Although not everybody will be on the Linux system.

    • siriusfox

      siriusfox - 2007-07-16

      I'm releasing an update to fix the problem you are having, if you follow my instructions above you don't need to upgrade.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you very much for your persistance in finding the fault.


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