
FORTRAN Unit Test Framework (FRUIT) / News: Recent posts

FRUIT 2.1 Release Announcement

FRUIT is a unit testing utility written for FORTRAN. The project
started in 2004 when I did development in FORTRAN. Westinghouse
donated this project to open source community.
Features of FRUIT include:
1. Pure FORTRAN, so all modules and subroutines can be tested. Core
modules are just 2 FORTRAN files.
2. Follows XUnit guidelines, it handles setup/teardown, test_xxx .
3. Enables you to do Test Driven Development, and Behavior Driven
Development in FORTRAN.
FRUIT 2.1 is just released.
There are significant improvements in this release.
1. The user only has to maintain module_test.f90. It is one module.
The drivers are generated automatically by ruby script.
2. Created one complete sample of how to use the code.
3. Enhanced the report, and usability.
4. Switched from make to rake. Now I can handle a lot of
automatically generated code stuff. This project has a complete build
5. Added features such as rSpec. So that you can really do TDD, and
BDD, to have one executable requirement. This is pretty powerful, if
you put that into your process. Then your requirement document, test
plan, test report can be automatically generated.
Please see the sourceforge project:
After you download, the sample directory shows major features. I'm
writing some more samples on the project wiki (http:// . I'm looking for contributors to
this project.
Enjoy your fruit!

Posted by Andrew Hang Chen 2008-01-22

FRUIT 2.0 released - Jan 8, 2008

New features:
1. Added Ruby gem fruit_processor, to pre-process the test files.
2. The test driver and test suite can be automatically generated.
3. Support rSpec's Specification Framework. Using rake spec can generate specification from the test code.
4. Provided sample code for usage.
5. Changed from Makefile to rakefile.

Posted by Andrew Hang Chen 2008-01-10