
Searching for Italian and Portuguese/brazilian translations of SQLeo

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2015-07-05

    Hello Dear contributors,

    Some new translation capabilities have been added to SQLeo (mainly for metadata explorer)

    Thanks in advance if you find some time to improve SQLeo ;o)

    Note: there are remaining translations to do, please tell me for the most urgent parts.


    • Lucas Azambuja Santos

      I can help with portuguese if u need

      • PAscal

        PAscal - 2015-08-23

        Bruce (see here after) has already prposed this translation.
        I will commit it soon

  • Sinhuè Angelo Rossi

    I'd like to contribute to the project by translating in Italian.
    I'm a newbie in Sourceforge, what can I do to start to work?

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2015-07-13
      • PAscal

        PAscal - 2015-08-15

        Thank you for having improved Italian translation of SQLeo.
        It will be available with 2015.08 release

  • Bruce

    Bruce - 2015-07-13

    I can probably help with Brazilian-Portuguese translation.

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2015-08-22

      Thank you for having improved Brazilian-Portuguese translation of SQLeo.
      It will be available with 2015.08 release

  • Walter

    Walter - 2015-08-22

    I can help you more with the Italian translation if you want!

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2015-08-22

      Hi Walter,
      Sinhuè Angelo Rossi has proposed last week a translation in Italian of the existing

      You can try it and give us your feedback ;o)

      There are also some remaining fields that do not support translation (command editor and content window for exemple), any help to change that in SQLeo code is welcome


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