
C/C++ Developers wanted for NGW

  • BearState

    BearState - 2013-12-11

    AA-SWAB (Adaptive Application - Semantic Web Aware Browsing) is a Next Generation Web (NGW) project which will give web end-users content browsing capabilities. It involves both client browser evolution and server search engine evolution. AA-SWAB is a large comprehensive project with many sub-projects involved.

    Currently, a lead-in project, Wixel-SMEN has been started to begin laying the foundations for AA-SWAB, both in terms of achieving an initial mile-stone and in terms of screening project team members. C/C++ team members are currently required.

    Contact bearstate by sending a message.

    • arnold

      arnold - 2013-12-17

      i'm a c/c++ programmer, i want to join in

      • BearState

        BearState - 2013-12-17

        Click on my ID: bearstate and send a message.

        Include your name, contact info, your experience as it may apply to the project.

    • Thambi03

      Thambi03 - 2013-12-17

      Hi All,

      I am an experienced C++ progrmmer with almost 10 years of programming experience. And would like to contribute to your project.

      1. Can you let me know what your project is all about.
      2. how to get started.


      • BearState

        BearState - 2013-12-17

        Go to the project link:

        Then go to the files directory and read Wixel-SMEN.pdf

        Read the first post if you need info on AA-SWAB. No further info will be given on AA-SWAB at this time.

        To get started, you need to join the project first. Ask by sending me a message.


    • Richie Allen

      Richie Allen - 2014-03-01

      I have worked as a c++ and java developer for 10 years. this includes experience with rfd and owl and Firefox/jquery. I have worked IBM, compuware and smaller startups. I plan to devote full time to a project for 6 months, presently and hope it can be this one.

      are you from arkensas?

  • BearState

    BearState - 2013-12-15

    FYI: Mozilla FireFox (Gecko and Fennec) programming languages used include

    RUST RUST is a Mozilla language.

  • BearState

    BearState - 2013-12-18


    Your e-mail address that forwarded to caused a Mailer-Daemon, undeliverable error.

  • BearState

    BearState - 2013-12-19

    Update: As this project may involve obtaining grants from US agencies and may involve secure communications, only US Citizens will be considered to participate.

    There have been far too many examples of plagiarism, dishonesty and compromised software in the past few years that are linked to visa workers, outsourced work and companies offshore that provide contract workers illegally via S1B visas to risk compromising the security and integrity of this project.

    To those of you who are honest and honorable to themselves and others, an apology is extended. But far too many examples and incidents have occurred at such a high percentage rates that the risks warrant limiting project participation to US citizens only.

    Please do not respond, if you are not a US citizen.

  • BearState

    BearState - 2013-12-29

    I thought that would cut back on volunteers, but but better safe than sorry. There are just too many bad examples of compromised software lately for any comfort level to be had.

  • Jake

    Jake - 2014-03-09

    Can you please help me understand something? What level of exper are you looking for in this project? In your experience, what level of experince is required to join any project/be concidered?

  • Derek

    Derek - 2014-03-17

    US citizen ready to contribute C++ code. I've been in I.T. since Pascal was popular. I do have experience in other programming languages, but I'm new to C++ and Web development. Can I join? Thanks.

  • EliYonis

    EliYonis - 2014-03-24

    Swedish citizen ready to contribute , i have knowledge in c++ OOP, C and c#, i hold a masters degree in electrical engineering too.


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