
C or Win32 Batch Programmer wanted for Coptic transcoder -- Language knowledge optional

  • Ted Matavka

    Ted Matavka - 2014-10-31

    Hello, world!

    I have written a complete system for transcoding between various Coptic legacy encodings. It includes fonts of my own design, fonts by others (in the public domain), and a shell script for actually doing the transcoding job.

    An example: a hypothetical encoding A maps Coptic letter gamma to the Latin letters G and g, and another hypothetical encoding B maps it to the Latin letters J and j. My shell script uses UNIX tr to transcode the octal codes for G and g to the octal codes for J and j, respectively.

    The Linux/UNIX code works quite well on Mac and Linux, but I would like to port this to Windows. Word macros exist, but I would prefer something fast, native, and something that reduces reliance on things like Microsoft Office.

    Knowledge of the Greek alphabet is an asset, but not required; what is required is an understanding of the Win32 batch language with decision trees, and/or knowledge of a standard programming language (C would be ideal, but Fortran is okay in a pinch). I can offer lots of help, and this is a small project. The project uses a Hg repository; if this is not convenient, I can see about porting the code somewhere else (SubVersioN maybe).

    E-mail me at

    The project is at

    Best regards,



    Last edit: Ted Matavka 2014-10-31
  • Mattias Eliasson

    I have looked trough your sourcecode and i can probably port that to Java in a few days. That would run on most platforms. I could use C/C++ to but that would take more time, and it would have to be compiled for multiple platforms.


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