
Want to help in some C#, Java, C++ or PHP project

  • DarkDuck

    DarkDuck - 2014-09-16

    I'm looking for a project to help with. I need to learn more C#, Java and C++ so these would be the most preferred. I'm experienced (15 years) with PHP and always keen to join interesting PHP projects as well.


    Last edit: DarkDuck 2014-09-16
  • Atle Solbakken

    Atle Solbakken - 2014-09-21


    We could use some help on the P* project. P* is an experimental programming language designed to run on web servers like PHP-scripts are run. P* has special syntax for MySQL queries and a built-in template engine which makes it the programs both fast to write and to run. P* can be used in places where Java and PHP is used today.

    The P* interpreter is written from scratch in C++, and the P* syntax is derived from C.

    Currently some extended testing is needed to detect missing functionality, for testing and for demonstration purposes. A large scale testing could be to create a CMS system, a mini WordPress-thing, this would really put the language to the test.

    Since you have PHP experience I reckon that you're a bit into web design as well, maybe the CMS system could be something to work on?

    Atle Solbakken


    Last edit: Atle Solbakken 2014-09-21
  • Araz Farhang Dareshuri

    We are looking for help for our Mail Api and application, AIM.
    please have a look on and let me know if you are interested


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