
#297 Allura API docs for Repository

Shuji Sado

On the above API document page, the means to get the repository information is not documented.
But upon reading Allura/allura/controllers/, I realized that repository was providing four API URLs.
And I solo checked out how it actually works on
Is this API still unofficial? Or is it just being forgotten to be documented.


  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2014-07-23

    The Allura Project API includes information about what git/svn/hg tools are installed in a project. You can derive repository locations from it, but requires knowing the SourceForge repo patterns. The API for a project has a 'tools' field and some of those tools have a 'name' of git, svn or hg. Take those 'mount_point' values and plug in to: git://{{project}}/{{mount_point}} or{{project}}/{{mount_point}} or{{project}}/{{mount_point}} I could see it being useful to add those full URL values into our APIs, but we don't have that planned at this point.

    • Shuji Sado

      Shuji Sado - 2014-07-25


      All I asked was that whether these 4 URLs listed above are yet to be official API.
      I tried accessing them for several times, and found there's a problem in the speed of responding. It felt as though they may still be unofficial APIs.

      • Dave Brondsema

        Dave Brondsema - 2014-07-25

        Ah, I didn't understand exactly. You may use those APIs and they aren't expected to go away. But they aren't real polished which is why they aren't documented - commit retrieval may be slow, and it seems like they aren't implemented for SVN.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2016-10-12
    • status: open --> implemented

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