
#143 Variable width of tracker display



I know this may sound like a totally cosmetic issue, but it is really a affecting the way we interact with the SF tracker interface. It would be great to be able to display a lot more fields horizontally on the list view of the trackers. We keep track of a lot of user issues that come into our project, and we do regular ticket meetings, reviewing open issues. Being able to see a lot of information without having to go into every single ticket is critical. With today's wide screen displays it seems such a pity to be held back by massive white columns on both sides of a narrow display of information. Thank you!



  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2013-07-11

    We have the same need for code browsing sometimes too ([allura:tickets:#5561])

  • onefang

    onefang - 2013-08-14

    There really is no need for the massive wastage of white space on either side of the web page. It's not being used by SourceForge, let us use it by just getting rid of it.

  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2013-10-06

    in modern times, we are forced to use widescreen monitors on websites 400 pixels wide. This perplexes me.

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2013-11-15
    • status: open --> implemented
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2013-11-15

    There is now a maximize button on all ticket list views, to expand and use the full width of your browser window.

    We don't have plans at this time to change the whole layout of SourceForge to make pages always fill up more space when available.


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