
FU shell / News: Recent posts

Linux Compatible

fush is developed on FreeBSD 5.2 Beta. Using the sourceforge compile farm, fush has now been ported to Linux (Debian, Redhat), Darwin(OS X 10.2) and Solairs (SunOS 5.9)! try it out!

Posted by CORY MARSH 2003-12-04

bug fix

a possibly exploitable format string vulnerability was found with the help of Tina Bird of Firewall Wizards fame on Friday Nov 21, 2003. This bug exists because format strings were not properly striped before a call to syslog from user supplied data. The bug has been fixed in version 0.6.0.

This bug can consistantly crash fush priot to version 0.6 by entering the string "%s %s" on the command line. While it may be possilbe to overwrite random memory by using the %n format string, it is beleived to not be possible to overwrite arbitrary with meaningful data because this buffer passed to syslog exists on the heap not the stack.... read more

Posted by CORY MARSH 2003-11-24

fush 0.5 BETA!

first beta release! Download it now!
make install
Sit back and relax as users are now fully loged and restricted from doing the nasty on your box.

Posted by CORY MARSH 2003-11-21

Web Page

The web page is up. Check it out. Many enhancements planed for next 2 weeks.

Posted by CORY MARSH 2003-11-21

foosh 0.4!

version 0.4 is now available. Documentation for version 0.4 is available ( README ), although limited. All core features are now available!!! With some work and refinement, version 1.0 should be available in about two weeks!

Posted by CORY MARSH 2003-11-17

foosh ver 0.2!

bug fixes and history support.

Posted by CORY MARSH 2003-11-14

foosh-0.1 is available!

The foosh code is available and working! Shell features include, command redirect (output only ATM), pipes, background tasks, -c shell option, PROMPT environment variable, setting environment with export and putenv.

Posted by CORY MARSH 2003-11-14