
foo_popupplus / News: Recent posts

new build 20080424 released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
* Context-specific titleformat fields bug

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2008-04-24

new build 20080423 released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ embedded album art support
+ title format option
+ album art sources import/export
+ regular (r) bbcode tag
* 'Maximum width' field option

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2008-04-23

new build 20071228 released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ play action button
+ close popups immediately on user action
+ popup is now movable
+ turn off show (fade in, sliding) animation on mouse hover
* draw avatar borders bug
* popup update bug (caused foobar crash)

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-12-28

new build (20071025) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ 'Create popup on' unpause option
- MSVCP80.DLL and MSVCR80.DLL dependency
* 'Show popup' menu bug
* showing actual item bug
* delete button bug

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-10-25

new build (20070926) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ update popup+ core to
+ 'Create popup on' option
+ 'Bring hovered popups back' option
+ PrettyPopup behavior (updates popup, instead of creating a new one)
+ left/right button action
+ popup action buttons
+ unicode support for formatting string
* long fade in/out effect bug

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-09-26

new build (20070903) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
* dynamic resize bug

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-09-02

new build (20070902) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ new text render(support for b, u, i, s, color, size BBCode)

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-09-01

new build (20070808) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ global enable/disable option (View->"Enable popup module")
+ show popup option (View->"Show popup")

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-08-08

new build (20070807) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ multimonitor option improved (now you can manually
select where popup will be shown)

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-08-06

new build (20070806) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
* critical memory leak (with art handling)

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-08-06

new build (20070805) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ font/color dialog
* ignore 'Show popup only if fb2k is minimized' option bug
* read default skin option values bug

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-08-05

new build (20070801) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ wild char (*,?) support for art sources
* art file loading

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-08-01

new version (20070731) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
+ multi-monitor support

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-07-30

new version (20070730) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
- build in skin removed (unknown problem with resource), now is provide as standalone 'Popup Classic'
+ art (album/artist)
+ advanced option
* skin option bug
* repaired 'Enable Avatars' option in 'Popup Classic' skin

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-07-30

new version (20070728) released

what's new: [+ add, - removed, * repaired]
- some unused options
- popup history
+ create popup when item title changes
+ added option 'Only one popup at a time'
+ custom position settings

Posted by Adam Hlavatovic 2007-07-27