
Conflict Detector - Error Crash

  • Jack Daniels

    Jack Daniels - 2011-03-07

    After waiting for a few updates and patches, i was hoping to find something on the conflict detector.

    Well any who i believe the script for the Conflict detector between the mods has an error. Recommending rechecking the code lines.

    Progress window opens
    Status bar shows 1% complete…. at start
    Status bar will get to about 45% complete and crash the progress window with nothing else following it

    I estimated that its suppose to show printed list of programs and what not in its own window for the conflicts but its just starts back at the main window listing all the mods with no report.

  • Jack Daniels

    Jack Daniels - 2011-06-15

    I posted this while it was still in version 13.21 and it still hasn't been resolved.

    I'm looking to some help, because I'm now at the 119 active mod's mark on my game, and so far I'm getting crashes with out figuring out what the hell is causing all them. So far I have found a large number of mods are using the similar locations but I'm needing help identifying the conflicts so i can properly rate the mods I'm endorsing, on a side note the update checker under the help menu still crashes on my computer. I would like to get a response to this post soon so I know if any of this is going to be fixed or not.


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