
Can FMJ do this?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-18


    my application needs to detect connected cameras (USB/firewire…) and choose from which one of them to take video stream and record it as .flv file.

    Is FMJ capable of doing this?

    Application has to be cross platform. I'm developing it on Mac OS X 10.6.8

  • Peter LaForest

    Peter LaForest - 2011-07-23

    I am sure FMJ (using the libraries from lti-civil) can detect your USN cameras, but I do not know about Firewire.

    Download the source code and look under the ui.application folder for FMJStudio and its supporting classes.

    There is a class called something like CaptureDeviceBrowser that will show you how to create a combo box populated with all of the capture devices FMJ is compatible with.  Just weed out the other capture devices you don't need, like JavaSound.

  • Peter LaForest

    Peter LaForest - 2011-07-23

    Sorry i didn't reply to all your questions.

    I cannot find anything that says FMJ can save a file in Flash video.  But I saw another open source Java project called Red5 that seems to be able to save video as Flash.  Maybe you can use FMJ for the the capture and Red5 to save.

    Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-28

    Well If I could capture images from cameras really fast then I could use Xuggle library to make a video from it. E.g. if I record at 25 framerate I would need then 25 images in second from camera. Hope this is possible with FMJ.

    FireWire is not priority. USB and Webcams are OK.

    I already checked Red5 but I think it is not free.

    I searched a lot for this capabilities and found only 2 projects (this, FMJ and JavaCV). I had trouble installing both of them but looks like both of them are able to do this what I need.

    JavaCV is a OpenCV wrapper and FMJ use LTI-CIVIL for camera capturing.

    That thing you described with CaptureDeviceBrowser looks like is just the thing I need but first thing is to install this. I'm developing this on Mac OS X and in parallel testing it on Windows.



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