
GSOC2011... fluxbox participates!

<p><img alt="GSOC Logo" src="" /></p>

<p>Your beloved and trusted windowmanager got accepted as a mentoring
organization on the <a href="">Google-Summer of Code</a>. For those of you
living under a rock, I will briefly describe the general idea of

<pre><code>You work fulltime on a fluxbox related project over the summer
and get paid by Google. Yes, paid. Money.

<p>At the moment we are working on filling out some related paper work
(eg, application templates), but you can have a look at some
<a href="">project ideas</a> we have. You can read more about the next steps
for you and us at <a href="">Google's blog</a>.</p>

<p>This is the first time we tried to become part of SOC and we are very
happy to see this happen.</p> link

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2011-03-20