
#318 Integrate fbmenugen


A built-in dynamic menu generator like fbmenugen would be fine, since most users (if not every one) would need such a thing I guess.


  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2015-01-24

    you mean like .. fluxbox-generate_menu? any links? any screenshots?

  • burak

    burak - 2015-01-24

    This utility creates two files:


    And one can have his/her own regular custom menu and the generated menu in Fluxbox menu. And by a keybinding and/or a menu entry (which is in the lower part in my menu) one can re-generate/update this dynamic menu whenever s/he installs or uninstalls a package.

    Attached are my menu screenshot and and files.

  • burak

    burak - 2015-01-24

    And this is my fbmenugen menu screenshot.

  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2015-01-24

    in which regards is this different from fluxbox-generate_menu? you can bind a key-action to trigger it on demand to create your menu.

  • burak

    burak - 2015-01-24

    I admit to be embarrased especially since I'm almost a Fluxbox fanatic and yet don't remember the fluxbox-generate_menu behaviour. I'll re-try it. As if it didn't have the flexibility of my proposed utility, but as I said I'll re-try it. Sorry for the noise.

  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2015-01-24

    fbgm is far from perfect, don't get me wrong. but for now it's the solution that's part of fluxbox since 10years+ ago and relies only on /bin/sh (roughly speaking).

    there are "tons" (5+-) menu-generators out there, some of them produce menus for fluxbox and even others. python based, perl based, whatever. there is the thing that debian uses for menu-generation. some of them actually use the - standard, some use heuristics to "guess".

    in any case ... a menu-generator is included in fbox, i am tempted to close this feature reuqest :)

  • burak

    burak - 2015-01-24

    Yes, please.

  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2015-01-24
    • status: open --> closed-rejected
    • assigned_to: Mathias Gumz

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