
flRaw / News: Recent posts

flRaw - First Beta release.

This release is fully operational, as well as batch processor as as interactive application.

It is at least stable enough for my own continuous use.

All requests, remarks, bugs ... are welcomed.

Posted by Jos De Laender 2008-05-02

Release ALPHA_0_3

Compiles and works now also under cygwin (with fltk, jpeg and lcms libraries installed)

Posted by Jos De Laender 2008-04-23

flRaw : first file release done

The first (alpha) file release for the flRaw project (processing raw images from digital cameras) has been done.

You should be able to compile and use this release on a standard linux system with libjpeg, fltk and lcms libraries.

All feedbacks, remarks, requests are from now on very welcome.

Posted by Jos De Laender 2008-04-22