

Christian Ferrari

This page is no more maintained, the current one is at


Be sure you have GLIB2 installed on your system (Ubuntu verification command):

dpkg --list | grep libglib2.0-dev

Download the tarball from and expand it:

tar xvzf flom-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

or pick-up flom source code (last commit) using git:

git clone git:// flom

Configure & make:

cd flom-X.Y.Z    


sudo make install

flom command is now installed in /usr/local/bin directory:

ls -la /usr/local/bin/flom
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 161625 2013-12-20 22:41 /usr/local/bin/flom

add /usr/local/bin directory to your search path (many times it's already OK), then you are ready to run flom:

flom --version
FLOM: Free LOck Manager
Copyright (c) 2013, Christian Ferrari; all rights reserved.
License: GPL (GNU Public License) version 2
Package name: flom; package version: 0.0.0
Access to report bugs and partecipate to the project

Tested platforms

FLoM is free software and it does not have a strict certification process, but I perform some tests before releasing a tarball.
Test log is available in file TestLog inside root tarball directory.

My primary development system is Ubuntu 10.04, x86 (32 bit), physical.

If you used a distribution not too far from the tested ones, you should succeed in flom installation.
If you found any issue, please send me a feedback using Tickets or Discussion


Wiki: FLoM by examples
Wiki: Home
Wiki: libflom