
FlexWiki 2.0 Released

This is FlexWiki 2.0, Release To Web (RTW) version. It is identical to FlexWiki 2.0 RC1, and the recommended version for all FlexWiki users.

This version sports many, many improvements and enhancements over 2.0
Beta 2. Among these are:

* Vastly improved performance
* New tools for editing the configuration files via the web interface
* Automated table-of-contents generation (via WikiTalk)
* Page locking (a security feature)
* Threaded message support for blog/forum-type behavior
* An all-new default stylesheet for a fresh look
* Support for file upload and page attachments
* Improved XHTML compliance
* Tons of bugfixes

This is not a complete list - there's lots more. The list of changes from the last released version (FlexWiki 1.8) is far longer.

Thanks to Derek, John, and Nathan for all the great code, and to the
FlexWiki community in general for all the excellent suggestions and


Posted by Craig Andera 2008-01-10

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