
Developement stopped?!?

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  • findusdwarf

    findusdwarf - 2014-10-06

    I've just installed it on win 7/64bit and restarted my machine- and I have no effect.
    None in any windows explorer window, none in any open/save as dialog and nowhere else.

  • Aleh

    Aleh - 2014-12-03

    Hello Tim.
    Thank you for the new version FlashFolder.
    I read your answer to Konstantin Zhukov about "browse for folder" dialogs on the second page.

    Such dialogues like the old WinAmp are rare, but when they are met then you cursed them and you can feel the all futility of existence. :)
    For example, Outlook Express opens such dialogue too, when you need to "Save Attachments".
    Could you add their support in FlashFolder?
    There is a small program for testing: Test (
    Such dialogue appears when you press button "Browse for folder dialog".

    It would be just great if when it is opened one of list "Global history", "Favorite folders", "Curent Open folders" we could filter them, i.e. when you enter symbols then in the list remained only those rows which contain typed symbols or cursor move to the first such row.

    For example, one of list contains rows:
    D:\My Documents\html 09.13\Test\save

    if we type "test" list will contain:
    D:\My Documents\html 09.13\Test\save

    It would be just great too, if we'll have ability to delete some rows from list.

    Thanks in advance

    • Tim De Baets

      Tim De Baets - 2014-12-03

      Hi Aleh,

      I have no plans to add any new features to FlashFolder. The versions that I made available here were just based on the code that was already written by zett42.

  • Aleh

    Aleh - 2014-12-04

    Hello Tim.

    It's a very pity! :(

  • Judykator

    Judykator - 2015-01-30

    I have a problem: after installing Windows 7 64 bit - Windows does not remember in save/open windows viev files - always is "medium icons". I have so on two computers.

    • Tim De Baets

      Tim De Baets - 2015-01-31

      Judykator: which version of FlashFolder do you have installed? Is the Remember view mode setting enabled in FlashFolder options?

  • Andreas S.

    Andreas S. - 2015-08-02

    Good news! After a first superficial test, FlashFolder_1_11_r274_beta_x64.msi seems to work on Windows 10 Pro x64. :-D
    Many thanks Tim De Baets and of course many thanks zett42!

    • Tim De Baets

      Tim De Baets - 2015-08-02

      Andreas: Thanks for trying it out on Windows 10 and for reporting back :)

  • andreacc

    andreacc - 2015-08-16

    I had the same problem as Judykator. When disabling "remember view mode", the program makes every folder stick with a single view mode (the last that was used when "remember view mode" was enabled).

    It was solved after I inserted the patch in the code and recompiled the software.

    My OS is Windows 7 x64.

    • hal

      hal - 2015-08-16
      Post awaiting moderation.
    • hal

      hal - 2015-08-16
      Post awaiting moderation.
    • Tim De Baets

      Tim De Baets - 2015-08-17

      andreacc: I first thought that I included this patch in my builds, but seeing now that I made the changes (and uploaded the patch) after my builds were made, this probably isn't the case.

      I think that I initially had the plan to wait until my patch had been merged into trunk before making new builds off of that. But that merging obviously isn't going to happen anymore (looking at zett42 here). I'll create and upload new builds with the patch included as soon as I find some time.

      Ideally, someone should fork this unique project on GitHub so that pull requests could be submitted and development could continue. I would do it myself, if I weren't so damn busy...

      • lastsaves

        lastsaves - 2016-01-23

        Hi guys,
        I have precisely the same problem as Judykator and adreacc and I cannot find any build with the patch included. Is it up already? Thanks a lot!

        • Tim De Baets

          Tim De Baets - 2016-01-25

          I haven't got round to creating a new MSI build yet - it's on my list of things to do (eventually).

          But in the meantime, I have uploaded a .zip file with new versions of FlashFolder's DLL files with the patch included. Replacing the old versions of these files in C:\Program Files\FlashFolder with the newer versions should do the trick.

          • lastsaves

            lastsaves - 2016-01-29

            Thanks a lot, Tim.
            After three days of extensive testing, I can cofirm it is working like a charm.
            Aplying the patch is sort of problematic though, needing to manualy shut down the service to be able to overwrite both ddls, but it is worth it.
            Thanks a lot again! Awesome work!

          • Andreas S.

            Andreas S. - 2016-02-23

            Hey Tim! Fantastic, your patch works here too! Many many thanks for keeping this project alive!

          • Basse De Lusk

            Basse De Lusk - 2016-03-02

            I'm very thankful for the patch! But how come the huge size increase in the patched file? Original fflib6439_64.dll is 0.7 MB, the patched dll is 3.3 MB. One can't be too careful these days, with so much viruses flotating around.

            • Tim De Baets

              Tim De Baets - 2016-03-02

              That's just because the patched DLL also includes debugging symbols, while the original DLL doesn't have these. I didn't have the time to compile the DLL again without symbols, so I uploaded the version that was already present on my system. If you're still suspicious you can always scan the file with VirusTotal.

              • Basse De Lusk

                Basse De Lusk - 2016-03-02

                Thanks for the reasonable explanation, I'm quite reassured now.

                I just installed FlashFolder on a 2008 R2 server, and it seems to be working great even with Citrix connections. :)

  • tumpio

    tumpio - 2015-12-13

    nvm, the links started to work..


    Last edit: tumpio 2015-12-13
  • Mirych

    Mirych - 2016-01-31

    Hello! Forgive me for the English by Google. The question is - are used to configure the register (zett42 \ FlashFolder). Now I can not find where the program (r274_beta) stores its settings and how to make them backup. Tell me please. Thank you.

    • Tim De Baets

      Tim De Baets - 2016-01-31

      Mirych: FlashFolder still stores its settings in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\zett42\FlashFolder registry key. I don't think that this has changed compared to previous versions.

  • Mirych

    Mirych - 2016-01-31

    I have Windows 7x64. It does not exist in HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software, or in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section zett42. We put on the new Windows on VMware only r274_beta - there is also no such sections. I am enclosing pictures registry

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