
#127 Ctrl-C in Table properties


If I select i.e. column name in "Table properties" window and press Ctrl-C
nothing happens. There's problem with Ctrl key and some timelimit/timeout.

The problem has been discussed in list, thread "Ctrl-C in Table properties


  • Michael Hieke

    Michael Hieke - 2008-11-16

    I'd like to get this fixed now.
    Is it still happening with the latest available snapshot (rev. 1800)? Does it happen in metadata object properties frame only, or also when copying from the sql editor window or the data grid? Any other information that you can give?

  • Michael Hieke

    Michael Hieke - 2008-11-16

    I'd like to get this fixed now.
    Is it still happening with the latest available snapshot (rev. 1800)? Does it happen in metadata object properties frame only, or also when copying from the sql editor window or the data grid? Any other information that you can give?

  • Jiri {x2} Cincura

    I've tested build 1806 and the problem is still there. In sql editor window (or simply any normal text box field) it's working OK. The problem seems to be only in table etc. properties window - where HTML template is used. Context menu is working fine, problem is only in keyboard shortcut.

  • Michael Hieke

    Michael Hieke - 2008-11-20

    OK, I have seen that there is a focus issue with the html window (in some circumstances), but I'm not sure that this is what is causing your problems.

    Could you please try two other things:

    1) Does selecting and copying from the html window also fail when it's not in the metadata property window? You could simply open the license page from the menu item in the help menu, select some text and press Ctrl+C. Does this work every time?

    2) If you have Visual Studio installed on your machine, could you please try Spy++ to log the Windows messages sent to the embedded html window in the property window? For that follow these steps:

    • open a new table property page in FR, but do not click into it
    • refresh the window list in Spy++, select the html window in the newly opened metadata property window, and start to log Windows messages for that html window
    • open the protocol options, and deselect all messages except the keyboard message class
    • close the protocol options
    • select a word in the html window, and press Ctrl+C

    If you follow these steps, does Spy++ show the following messages being sent to the html window?

    WM_KEYDOWN ('C')
    WM_CHAR (3)
    WM_KEYUP ('C')

    If these are shown then the copying itself fails, if not there is a focus problem, and the windows does not even see the Ctrl+C.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Jiri {x2} Cincura

    1> No. It's not working neither.
    2> I did it. And I don't see these messages for this window.

  • Michael Hieke

    Michael Hieke - 2008-11-27

    Frankly I'm out of ideas on what to test or to try. If the new snapshot (rev. 1810) does not fix your problem (I have added code to work around the focus issue I mentioned) I have to say that I give up for now :-(

  • Jiri {x2} Cincura

    The 1810 snapshot has still this problem. :( If there's something you wanna to test (i.e. using Spy++), let me know.