
screen rotates, tablet doesn't

  • Bret Comstock Waldow


    Xubuntu AMD64 Hardy 8.04LTS on an ST5112.

    Updated since installation:

    Linux aphrodite 2.6.24-25-generic #1 SMP Tue Oct 20 06:49:12 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Add setserial, and this in /etc/serial.conf:

        /dev/ttyS0 port 0x0220 irq 4 autoconfigure

    Add wacom-tools, libxi-dev, libxrandr-dev, pkg-config, libxosd-dev, libxtst-dev, libhal-dev, then…

        ./configure, make, sudo make install

    Reboot, see the OSD, the screen rotates, onboard starts (?)

    But the stylus still has the default orientation, and doesn't change on repeated rotations.

    Any thoughts?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Please try to rotate the stylus manually (<tt>xsetwacom set <i><devname> rotate <i><0 or 3></i>). If it works please send me the output of <tt>xinput list</tt>.


  • Bret Comstock Waldow

    The rotation commands work.  I also have a USB keyboard and mouse active:
        bret@aphrodite:~$ xinput list
    "Virtual core keyboard" id=0
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    "Virtual core pointer" id=1
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 2
    Mode is Relative
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 0
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 0
    "eraser" id=2
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 6
    Mode is Absolute
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 18432
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 24576
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 2 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 255
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 3 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 4 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 5 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
    "cursor" id=3
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 6
    Mode is Relative
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 18432
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 24576
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 2 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 255
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 3 :
    Min_value is -900
    Max_value is 899
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 4 :
    Min_value is -1023
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 5 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
    "stylus" id=4
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 6
    Mode is Absolute
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 18432
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 24576
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 2 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 255
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 3 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 4 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 5 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
    "Configured Mouse" id=5
    Num_buttons is 9
    Num_axes is 2
    Mode is Relative
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is -1
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is -1
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 1
    "Generic Keyboard" id=6
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    "fsc tablet buttons" id=7
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255


  • Bret Comstock Waldow

        bret@aphrodite:~$ xinput list
        "Virtual core keyboard" id=0
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
        "Virtual core pointer" id=1
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 2
    Mode is Relative
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 0
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 0
        "eraser" id=2
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 6
    Mode is Absolute
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 18432
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 24576
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 2 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 255
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 3 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 4 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 5 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
        "cursor" id=3
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 6
    Mode is Relative
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 18432
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 24576
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 2 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 255
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 3 :
    Min_value is -900
    Max_value is 899
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 4 :
    Min_value is -1023
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 5 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
        "stylus" id=4
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
    Num_buttons is 32
    Num_axes is 6
    Mode is Absolute
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 18432
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 24576
    Resolution is 2540
    Axis 2 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 255
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 3 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 4 :
    Min_value is -64
    Max_value is 63
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 5 :
    Min_value is 0
    Max_value is 1023
    Resolution is 1
        "Configured Mouse" id=5
    Num_buttons is 9
    Num_axes is 2
    Mode is Relative
    Motion_buffer is 256
    Axis 0 :
    Min_value is -1
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 1
    Axis 1 :
    Min_value is -1
    Max_value is -1
    Resolution is 1
        "Generic Keyboard" id=6
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255
        "fsc tablet buttons" id=7
    Num_keys is 248
    Min_keycode is 8
    Max_keycode is 255

  • Robert Gerlach

    Robert Gerlach - 2009-10-23

    Okay, no type info in our xinput output. That's bad. I'll see what I can do. For now, replace the line starting with "devname" in /usr/local/lib/fjbtndrv/ (line 29) with devname="stylus".

  • osarusan

    osarusan - 2010-07-12


    Fujitsu Stylistic ST5112 running Ubuntu 10.04.
    Just installed yesterday through the PPA.
    Everything works great (thanks so much!) except I have the same problem as the OP.

    The tablet screen starts out in vertical mode, while the digitizer is in horizontal mode. The rotate button rotates the screen but not the stylus.

    For now it's usable, because I prefer to use the tablet in horizontal mode anyway. But I would like the option to use it digitizer vertically at times, and I would certainly like it to rotate normally.

    I tried to do this solution, but I have no folder called /usr/local/lib/fjbtndrv/

    What can I do to fix this?

    Thanks so much!

  • osarusan

    osarusan - 2010-07-12

    Actually, I found the file in /usr/lib/fjbtndrv!

    Line 29 says:

    if ; then

    However, line 28 says:


    Is that the part I should change to say devname="`stylus`" ?

  • osarusan

    osarusan - 2010-07-12

    (Update: changing that didn't fix anything)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Try devname="stylus" instead (without the `). If it doesn't work, call xinput -list and look for the right name of your stylus device.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I removed the ` marks but it didn't work.

    So I tried xinput and got this:

    osarusan@sisko:~$ xinput -list
    ⎡ Virtual core pointer                    id=2
    ⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4
    ⎜   ↳ ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse              id=13
    ⎜   ↳ Serial Wacom Tablet eraser              id=14
    ⎜   ↳ Serial Wacom Tablet                     id=15
    ⎜   ↳ Macintosh mouse button emulation        id=16
    ⎣ Virtual core keyboard                   id=3
        ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard             id=5
        ↳ Power Button                            id=6
        ↳ Fujitsu FUJ02E3                         id=7
        ↳ Video Bus                               id=8
        ↳ Fujitsu FUJ02B1                         id=9
        ↳ Power Button                            id=10
        ↳ fsc tablet buttons                      id=11
        ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard            id=12

    But none of those entries worked…

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Please make sure xsetwacom is installed and fscrotd is started. The line should be

    devname="Serial Wacom Tablet"

    Hope it helps.


  • Robert Gerlach

    Robert Gerlach - 2010-07-22

    The new release contains a new script (as the only change), please give it a try.

  • osarusan

    osarusan - 2010-07-23

    Thanks so much! I installed the new release and BING! it worked perfectly upon restart. Well done! :-)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, I have a Fujitsu P1510D with a similar problem. It is a serial tablet and the touchscreen works with a perl script and using the instructions found at post #37 here
    The rotate buttons work thanks to your driver - but when rotated the stylus does not follow. I am using your most up to date fjbtndrv. Any thoughts on how to get the stylus to rotate with the screen?

  • Robert Gerlach

    Robert Gerlach - 2010-09-19

    Hello  and sorry for the delay.

    the executable scripts in <install-prefix>/lib/fjbtndrv and ~/.fjbtndrv are called by the daemons, if the display rotated. With each call, 3 environment variables are set:  CURRENT_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION and ACTION. The action variable can be rotating (before rotation) and rotated (after). With basic shell scripting skill, it should be easy to write your own script (I can't help, I have no hardware to work on). Take a look into the script for a start. If you have an working script, please send me for inclusion.

  • Robert Gerlach

    Robert Gerlach - 2010-10-10

    While I have read that again, I noticed, I have not answered the question. Sorry.
    The Fujitsu P-Series do not use the Wacom driver (as far as I know), but my rotate script depends on it. You need a modified rotate script. I have no P-Series device, so I cannot do that.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    For some reason I am getting the following errors when using the MAKE command on my ST5022 running fedora 14.
    I'm sure I did something wrong!

    $ make
    make  all-recursive
    make: Entering directory `/home/bubba/Downloads'
    Making all in src
    make: Entering directory `/home/bubba/Downloads/src'
    Making all in linux
    make: Entering directory `/home/bubba/Downloads/src/linux'
    make -C /lib/modules/ M=/home/bubba/Downloads/src/linux modules
    make: Entering an unknown directory
    make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory.  Stop.
    make: Leaving an unknown directory
    make: ***  Error 2
    make: Leaving directory `/home/bubba/Downloads/src/linux'
    make: ***  Error 1
    make: Leaving directory `/home/bubba/Downloads/src'
    make: ***  Error 1
    make: Leaving directory `/home/bubba/Downloads'
    make: ***  Error 2

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Please install the kernel headers. It should be in the package kernel-devel.


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