
u810 buttons work

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Just for the record, this makes all of the otherwise-unhandled buttons on the fujitsu u810/u1010 work. Thanks!

    Also, any clue if this IO address is related to led/bluetooth control?

    Thanks again,
    Scott G

    • Robert Gerlach

      Robert Gerlach - 2007-11-15

      >Just for the record, this makes all of the otherwise-unhandled buttons on the fujitsu u810/u1010 work.

      Nice. Does the tablet-mode switch work too?

      > Also, any clue if this IO address is related to led/bluetooth control?

      Sorry, don't know. I have no documentation, my driver based on "try & error" only (and my hardware has no LEDs). But try the apanel Project (, this driver accessed the hardware over the I2C bus and supported LEDs (but not all keys on my hardware).

      Thanks for the report,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hmm, can you please post which of the drivers (fsc_btns of fscd) make keys for the U810 work?
      Currently, the PageUp/PageDown keys near the mouse rubber (upper-right side) do not work for me.

    • Robert Gerlach

      Robert Gerlach - 2008-06-07


      fsc_btns is the real driver, fscd only the userspace helper (the fscd source package contains the driver).
      Sorry, I've no information to the u810. But try to load the fsc_btns driver and replace the key mappings (please see tips in wiki). If you found a working keymap, please post it (with dmidecode output), so that I can update the driver.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      trrying to get the buttons on my U810 workig with fsc_btns 1.41, running under Debian 5.0.  Can't get it going -- suggestions?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        What have you tried so far? Please report the dmesg output after loading the fsc_btns module.


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