
Welcome to Bindings, other languages

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Welcome to Bindings, other languages

    • K.S. Bhaskar

      K.S. Bhaskar - 2005-11-09

      This is a Source Forge forum, which means that ti is a public forum visible one and all, and searchable by one and all.

      To post to this forum (, you need to be logged in to Source Forge.

      You can also "monitor" this forum, which means that you can be notified by e-mail whenever anyone posts to it.  Go to the forum when you are logged in to Source Forge, and click on "MOnitor this Forum".

      -- Bhaskar

    • Sean

      Sean - 2007-06-25


      I'm working on a python extension module for GT.M.

      I have a 'proof of concept' example that works as a stand alone c program, but errors out when loaded as a python module.  The problem has been reported on the python bugs list,  In the meantime I would like to be able to look at the problem myself.  Is there a debugger and/or memory leak tool that works well with GT.M?



      • Sean

        Sean - 2007-06-26

        Never mind. I found the error.


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