
Missing some important things ...

  • Gerd Kuehnel

    Gerd Kuehnel - 2004-07-02

    For a migration from DTM to GT.M are some details very important:

    write /mnemonic
    In DTM it's possible to add/change the mnemonics and their action. So it is possible to use "W /CLR" to clear the screen or "W /AA" to reset all video attributes.

    Long Routine/Statement/Global names
    In DTM the length are limited by 15 significant character, in GT.M is the limit by 8.

    write /wopen
    This will open in DTM a new independent "screen". This screen is valid until a "w /wclose". The "w /wclose" will restore the underlaying screen.

    zetrap tag^routine
    In DTM this will new and set the errortrapping.

    In DTM 'O 10:("R":"TEST.DAT")' will open the file TEST.DAT for reading.

    This will convert in DTM the text "text" in uppercase. $zcvt("TEXT","l") will convert "TEXT" in lowercase.

    In DTM this will return the next routinename in the actual UCI/NAMESPACE.

    Returns the actual nodename (i.E "ClientX").

    Returns the DTM-License key.

    I think, that it is possible to migrate from DTM to GT.M. GT.M works very fast and the documentation is very helpfull. I'm also missing a tool for Database repair in full automatic mode like "%dscompact" in DTM.


    • K.S. Bhaskar

      K.S. Bhaskar - 2004-07-02

      Gerd --

      Thank you for the kind words, and thank you for the suggestions.

      Long names will be coming shortly in GT.M.  $zzlicense is not relevant for GT.M because although GT.M is made available under a license, it does not impose any automated enforcement mechanism such as a license counter (and of course, for open source free software, this is not meaningful).

      Does %dscompact defragment the database or does it repair structural damage (e.g., after a system crash)?  If the former, you can use MUPIP REORG.  If you want automatic database structural repair, turn on before image journaling, and use the MUPIP RECOVER command (you can even put this as part of system startup - on a cleanly shut down database, MUPIP RECOVER is effectively a no-op).

      As for the other suggestions, thank you again.  We will add them to our list to consider depending on the availability of resources.  Since GT.M on Linux is open source free software, we are driven by what people are willing to fund.  If you have funding to contribute (or if you are interested in a non open source non free license of GT.M, which covers platforms such as VMS), please contact me directly at k dot bhaskar at sanchez dot com.

      Meanwhile, for most of them (but not all, e.g., adding / changing mnemonics), it is possible to accomplish the same result through other means, including in some cases making operating system calls directly.  But of course, the source code will not be exactly the same between DTM and GT.M.

      -- Bhaskar

      • K.S. Bhaskar

        K.S. Bhaskar - 2004-07-02

        I should add that GT.M has the ability to optionally NEW $ZTRAP.  From the release notes for V4.3-000:

        GT.M optionally implicitly NEWs the Intrinsic Special Variable $ZTRAP when SET $ZTRAP is executed, based on the truth value of an [UNIX] environment variable or [VMS] logical name gtm_ztrap_new. The truth-value of gtm_ztrap_new is TRUE if the environment variable/logical name evaluates to the string "TRUE" (or any case insensitive leading sub-string of TRUE), "YES" (or any case insensitive leading substring of YES), or a positive integer. The truth-value is considered FALSE otherwise. (S9B06-001870, C9B07-001698)

        -- Bhaskar

      • Gerd Kuehnel

        Gerd Kuehnel - 2004-07-05

        you write "long names will be coming shortly in GT.M". How may i understand this? One week, one month?
        Thank you again for your fast reply,


        • K.S. Bhaskar

          K.S. Bhaskar - 2004-07-06

          If all goes well, by the end of the year.

          -- Bhaskar

    • Gerd Kuehnel

      Gerd Kuehnel - 2004-07-02

      thank you very much for your fast reply.
      The missing things are not only an important needing in myself, some other (DT)M Programmer need this things too.
      The two most important elements are the "W /mnemonic" and the longer names for Routines/Statements/Globals.
      By the way: %dscompact in DTM is able to repair AND sort the datasets (databases) automaticly in one step.
      However, i think that GT.M will have a great future, the product AND the support is very good.

      All the best, Gerd


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