
Use of embedded calls to $ZEOF: pb...

S. Rigaud
  • S. Rigaud

    S. Rigaud - 2007-11-05

    I'd like to know why the following works but with
    a slight problem: this module hangs, I do not get
    back to the GTM> prompt. I guess it's because I
    use twice a call to $ZEOF (explanation: every line
    of my 'liste.txt' file is itself the name of a file
    that I also want to open to read it sequentially):

          set liste="liste.txt"

         ;ZSY "ls dirOfFiles >&"_liste

          o liste

          f  d  q:eof
          . u liste r title set eof=$zeof
          . u $p:(nowrap) w """"_title_"""",!
          . set article=title
          . o article
          . f  d  q:eof2
          . . u article r htmlLine set eof2=$zeof
          . . u $p:(nowrap) w "eof-"_eof_", eof2-"_eof2,!
         ;. . u $p:(nowrap) w htmlLine,!
          . c article

          w "do I get here ?",!
          c liste

    the output is as follows:
    title: "leMonde/fichier1.txt"
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-1
    title: "leMonde/fichier2.txt"
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-0
    eof-0, eof2-1
    title: ""

    Is there a way to tell Mumps to get out of the first loop ?

    Thanks a lot...

    • Ben Bishop

      Ben Bishop - 2007-11-05

      In the case where eof is true (1), your code continues to the second loop with (title,article)=""

      Rather than quitting if eof is true, you "open article" which in this case is: open ""

      I'm not familiar enough with GTM to know if this is where it hangs (opening a null device), but if it doesn't hNG THERE then the next lines would -- the code would be reading from the null device which likely would not terminate the read.

      You need to put   q:eof   after the   set eof=$zeof


    • Dr. Martin Lehr

      Dr. Martin Lehr - 2007-11-05

      Hello Sebastien,

      caution with ; in dot-subsections!

      the line
      ;. . u $p:(nowrap) w htmlLine,!
      is the end all your do-loops and in consequence the line
      . c article
      will never be executed, so the file will not be closed.

      If you want to comment out some program code in a dotted section, you should do it like this (example):
      . . ; bla bla bla bla bla


      Besides that: is yout cr problem solved?

    • S. Rigaud

      S. Rigaud - 2007-11-05

      > You need to put q:eof after the set eof=$zeof

      Ok I guess you spotted where my error comes from. Could you
      please tell me how to modify my code ?, if I remove "q:eof"
      and add a line ". if eof quit" after "set eof=$zeof" I get

      %GTM-E-IOEOF, Attempt to read past an end-of-file
                      At M source location defil+10^a2
      %GTM-W-NOTPRINCIO, Output currently directed to device liste.txt

      and I can't understande why ! (I admit i have strong difficulties
      to acquaint myself with Mumps' syntactic peculiarities...)


      • Ben Bishop

        Ben Bishop - 2007-11-05

        A classic problem of USEing another device, but not USEing the principal device ($P) before writing.

        You have  >> w "do I get here ?",! <<  --  where will that output go?  The way it is written it will be directed to the device you were reading the file names from (liste.txt)

        Like all the other lines with output you intend on reading, precede it with U $P.

        (I've done this many times myself -- keeping track of what the "current device" is can save you lots of headaches)


    • Jens Wulf

      Jens Wulf - 2007-11-05

      I d do it like this:

           o liste
            f  u liste q:eof  d
            .r title
            .u $p:(nowrap) w """"_title_"""",!
            .o title
            .f  u title q:$zeof  d
            ..r  htmlLine
            ..u $p:(nowrap) w htmlLine,!
            .c title
            c liste
            u $p
            w "I get Here!",!



    • Jens Wulf

      Jens Wulf - 2007-11-05

      oops: the 2nd line has to be

      f u liste q:$zeof d

    • S. Rigaud

      S. Rigaud - 2007-11-06

      The following still hangs:

            set liste="leMonde/liste.txt"

            o liste
            f  u liste  q:$zeof  d
            . r title
            . u $p:(nowrap) w "title: """_title_"""",!
            . o title
            . f  u title  q:$zeof  d
            . . r htmlLine
            . . u $p:(nowrap) w htmlLine,!
            . c title
            C liste

            u $p:(nowrap)
            w "j'arrive ici ?",!

      title: "fic hier1.txt"
      f1 ligne 1
      f1 ligne 2
      f1 ligne 3
      f1 ligne 4
      f1 ligne 5
      f1 ligne 6

      title: "fich ier2.txt"
      f2 ligne 21
      f2 ligne 22
      f2 ligne 23
      f2 ligne 24
      f2 ligne 25
      f2 ligne 26
      f2 c'est la fin

      title: ""
              <= it hangs here

      Guess it hangs because of the line
            . f  u title  q:$zeof  d
      when 'title' is null => the 'read' blocks.
      How about adding a condition to the first 'quit:$zeof' ?


    • S. Rigaud

      S. Rigaud - 2007-11-06

      Does someone know why the following still hangs:

            set liste="liste.txt"

            n title
            s title="xx"
            o liste
            f  u liste  q:($zeof!title="")  d
            . r title
            . u $p:(nowrap) w "title: """_title_"""",!
            . o title
            . f  u title  q:$zeof  d
            . . r htmlLine
            . . u $p:(nowrap) w htmlLine,!
            . c title
            C liste

            u $p:(nowrap)
            w "j'arrive ici ?",!

      whereas this works as expected:
            set liste="liste.txt"

            n title
            s title="xx"
            o liste
            f  u liste  q:$zeof  d
            . r title
            . i title="" q          ; <= the IF is here
            . u $p:(nowrap) w "title: """_title_"""",!
            . o title
            . f  u title  q:$zeof  d
            . . r htmlLine
            . . u $p:(nowrap) w htmlLine,!
            . c title
            C liste

            u $p:(nowrap)
            w "j'arrive ici ?",!


    • Dr. Martin Lehr

      Dr. Martin Lehr - 2007-11-06

      Hello Sebastien,

      there is a mistake in this line:
      f u liste q:($zeof!title="") d

      M(umps) interprets all expressions from right to left.
      Therefore you should change the code in the following way:
      f u liste q:($zeof!(title="")) d

      It is sufficient to set nowrap in U $P:(NOWRAP) the first time you write something to terminal. After that you can always use the expression U $P  

    • S. Rigaud

      S. Rigaud - 2007-11-06

      Nope... It's still hanging with
      f u liste q:($zeof!(title="")) d

      When is the condition evaluated in the FOR loop ?

    • Dr. Martin Lehr

      Dr. Martin Lehr - 2007-11-06

      Hello Sebastien,

      your code is hanging because
      . r title
      will probably result in an empty string at the end of a file,
      so the line
      . i title="" q
      is essential. Put in in your code.



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