
Fire Report (VIC/AUS) / News: Recent posts

Fire Report (VIC/AUS) IS LIVE!!

I can now confirm that the project can be accessed at or by searching for the mapplet in Googles directory under "Fire Report".

Finally after multiple years, there is something the public can use. Please try it out, and provide some feedback.

Posted by Adrian 2009-02-20

Javascript mapplet client being submited to google.

The javascript based mapplet client is now of polished beta quality and as thus I am submitting it to Google for inclusion and hosting on Google Maps. There are still more features I want to add but these will have to wait for a later release as it is due time that you all got to see how far it has progressed. I hope you enjoy using it, and find it useful.

Along with the submission to Google I will be adding new screenshots here and on my blog, when I write about it. If all goes well then my next piece of news will be that you can try it out.

Posted by Adrian 2009-02-20

Nearing release for javascript client

I have just noticed that my last post talked about a flash client, whilst that is the ultimate point I want to get to it has bee more practical to produce a Google Mapplet (in javascript) for the mean time. I hope to take it live in the next few days as a reasonably featured BETA quality product. So until then, be happy.

My most heartfelt thoughts go out to those affected by the bush fires in Victoria, may you be yourself again soon.

Posted by Adrian 2009-02-15

Changing programming languages

The original Fire Report program was written in C# Mono using GTK#, but due to restrictions that I haven't got the ability to overcome I with move to a haXe flash9 implementation possibly with or without the Google maps api for flash. When finished the program will be released for web sites, I will host a copy and if it doesn't end up using the Googel maps api I will also release a stand alone client.... read more

Posted by Adrian 2008-11-04