
#146 fails to start, "uneexpectedly quit"


never starts up. i copied the file to my hard drive, and ejected the disk image, and deleted my older version (which worked fine!). still, no go. attached is the log, and here is all i got from the console:

2007-06-20 12:16:55.240 Finder[403] CFLog (20): The document you are opening will open the application \u201cFinkCommander\u201d for the first time. Are you sure you want to open this application?: The application is located in the folder \u201cFinkCommander\u201d. If you were not expecting this application to open, click Cancel.
Jun 20 12:17:01 G4s-Computer crashdump: Crash report written to: /Users/g4/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/FinkCommander.crash.log

Jun 20 12:17:43 G4s-Computer crashdump: Crash report written to: /Users/g4/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/FinkCommander.crash.log

## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt)
## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt)
## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt)
## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt)


  • communityfeast

    communityfeast - 2007-06-20
  • communityfeast

    communityfeast - 2007-06-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    oh...btw, my operating system: )S 10.2.8, G4 450 mhz.

  • Sen4622

    Sen4622 - 2007-09-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I couldn't start up my new version of FinkCommander too, so I compiled it just for fun myself (without editing the code) and then it worked fine!
    I don't know why the downloaded version didn't worked but the "self made" one is just 1,2MB bis instead of 2,2MB... maybe you compile it also on your own, until it's fixed.

  • monipol

    monipol - 2009-11-08

    Does this error still happen with FinkCommander 0.5.5?

  • Madd the Sane

    Madd the Sane - 2009-11-20

    Somehow I doubt this artifact is really important anymore. He was using an old version of OS X (10.2.8) that probably didn't have a function call that the program needed. This can probably be closed.


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