
#3930 system-texlive 2007, 2009-2010 .info files


This package only works on PowerPC Mac OS X 10.4.11: I don't currently have any Intel based Macs to test it on... The three .info files are meant to supplement the existing system-tetex .info file rather than an attempt to replace it... Fink's Core would need to be modified so that its menu system has a system-texlive option available in order for this to work properly...


  • Alexander Hansen

    • labels: 899453 --> New Package
  • Alexander Hansen

    This isn't a revision of a package which exists in the Fink distribution.

  • Alexander Hansen

    The virtual dependency menus which specify alternative packages are set up by specifying alternative dependency choices in individual packages. No modification to fink is needed.

  • Alexander Hansen

    That was a bit unclear. :-)

    Basically, the choices (let's call them A1, A2, A3) that show up to satisfy a virtual dependency when you build another package, call it B, are set in two ways:

    1) A1, A2, A3 all have, say, Provides: A, and B (Build)Depends on A.

    2) B carries an explicit (Build)Depends: A1|A2|A3

    So no modification is needed to fink.

  • Alexander Hansen

    Also: we generally don't stipulate Architecture/OS version restrictions in advance. Most maintainers don't have all platforms available, and so we tend to assume that a package will work on all OS versions / architectures until determined otherwise.


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