

  • Kaarle Kaila

    Kaarle Kaila - 2009-10-07

    I have been working with genealogy applications since 1994. This is my third wholly new try at it. The two previous ones have been rather successes in Finland through The Genealogical Society of Finland at

    My first was called Sukuohjelmisto 8.0 written in VB3.

    My second is still in active use is Sukuohjelmisto 2000 and 2004. They all rely on the Access Jet engine.

    This time I wanted to make it MS independent and as I have been working a lot with Java lately it was a natural choice.

    I have no idea if this will be interesting to anybody anywhere. I intend to write my next book about my great-great-great-grand fathers descendants on his 200th birthday 13.12.2010.

    I will find out how to add documentation on this site but probably not tonight.

    you find me also at

    Let me hear from you if you find this of interest. Possibly if you just want to test it or participate somehow even.

    Kaarle Kaila

  • Kaarle Kaila

    Kaarle Kaila - 2009-10-08

    I added a small file in backup format from Suku2004 as it is so far the only format that can be imported to FinFamily.  I make no guarantees on the correctness of the contents in the file You must unzip the file somewhere and then import the file kennedy.xml.gz to Finfamily


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