
errors building findbugs eclipse plugin src

  • sushil

    sushil - 2009-02-25

    I am building the findbugs eclipse plugin (with Eclipse version 3.3.2) by building the findbugs plugin source provided at findbugs sourceforge site.

    I wish to make some minor modifications to the findbugs eclipse plugin functionalities.

    I am successfully able to build the plugin runtime from within Eclipse. While running the generated plugin runtime, I am getting the findbugs progress bar but after completion of progress bar fidbugs perspective is not being opened and no bugs are shown in the Eclipse GUI. When I open findbugs perspective manually no bugs are shown in the bug explorer.

    It seems, after completion of findbugs task, triggering of the findbugs perspective doesn't take place, and the findbugs perspective is not populated with the bugs information. This happens while using the plugin from the source provided at SF site.

    Whereas, the findbugs plugin binaries work fine with no errors as written above. but the plugin built from source doesn't work correctly, as described above.

    Could somebody please give some pointers to resolve this issue.


    • Andrey Loskutov

      Andrey Loskutov - 2009-02-25

      > I am building the findbugs eclipse plugin (with Eclipse version 3.3.2) 
      > by building the findbugs plugin source provided at findbugs sourceforge site.
      > I wish to make some minor modifications to the findbugs eclipse plugin
      > functionalities.
      > I am successfully able to build the plugin runtime from within Eclipse. 
      > While running the generated plugin runtime, I am getting the findbugs progress 
      > bar but after completion of progress bar fidbugs perspective is not being 
      > opened and no bugs are shown in the Eclipse GUI.

      Why should it happen??? It also doesn't happen with "usual" plugin builds...

      > It seems, after completion of findbugs task, triggering of the findbugs 
      > perspective doesn't take place,

      This triggering is *not existing* in the original code, ergo it doesn't happen. If it is new in *your* code, you can debug *why* it does not happen.

      > and the findbugs perspective is not populated with 
      > the bugs information. This happens while using the plugin from the source 
      > provided at SF site.

      I'm building all the time from source and everything just works fine. So I guess all the trouble you have is how *you* setup your environment AND probably it also depends on "some minor modifications to the findbugs eclipse plugin" :-)

      Btw, your trouble can be caused by the configuration area cache: please in your debug lauch configuration, *enable* checkbox "Configuration->Configuration Area->Clear the conf. area before launching".

      > Whereas, the findbugs plugin binaries work fine with no errors as 
      > written above.

      Not sure what do you mean by binaries (original one or built by ant from your code). In second case it is can also be the classpath issue.

      BTW, next time please just use findBugs mailing list.

      Kind regards,

      Andrei Loskutov

      • sushil

        sushil - 2009-02-26

        Thanks for your reply. After cleaning the configuration area cache as you wrote, solved my problem.

        but the problem I am now facing is, that "Bug Explorer" view of the findbugs perspective doesn't show any details. this happens when I build the plugin from the source. the details in this view are fine when I use the findbugs plugin from the SF site (it does show a tree view display).

        could you please help me resolve this.

        all other view in findbugs perspective are working fine.

        PS: after completion of this thread, I'll use the mailing list for future questions.


        • Andrey Loskutov

          Andrey Loskutov - 2009-02-26

          May be you just do not have any bug in the code which you tries to analyse? :-)

          1) Go to the "tracing" tab and enable all debug options for findbugs plugin.

          2) You can also look for the FB markers in the problems view: if there are no one, you have a problem with builder.

          3) And you always can debug: put breakpoints in Reporter.doReportBug(), ResourceChangeListener.resourceChanged() and BugContentprovider.updateContent().



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