Paul J. Morris - 2015-04-27

Current column order:
Event Date Record Id Determiner Georeference Sources Coordinate Uncertainty In Meters Geodetic Datum Catalog Number Family Recorded By State/Province Start Day Of Year Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Owner Institution Code Collection Code Institution Code Country Modified Basis of Record Decimal Latitude Decimal Longitude Month Day Year Locality ScientificNameValidator DateValidator GeoRefValidator

Proposed Column order:
ScientificNameValidator DateValidator GeoRefValidator Collection Code Institution Code Catalog Number Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Determiner Family Event Date Month Day Year Start Day Of Year Recorded By collectorNumber Country State/Province Locality Decimal Latitude Decimal Longitude Coordinate Uncertainty In Meters Geodetic Datum Georeference Sources Modified Basis of Record Owner Institution Code Record Id

ValidatorSummary, Scientific Name fields, Date/collector/collectornumber fields, locality fields, georeference fields, other fields.

Note that RecordID will be of little use to anyone other than us.