
#39 export file list

Métamorphose 2.x

It would be great to have a feature to export (save) the contents of the main (Location, Original Name, New Name) list control. That way you can have a permanent record of the files' name states. There are other uses for this feature. For example, I may have a list of files that have long complicated file names, but I want to rename the files to be much simpler (numbered files with simple base names), but have a list of before and after so the new names act as sort of codes for the originals. This would be great for other automation stages, too. I've never seen this feature, so it would set metamorphose apart.


  • Christopher Green

    -- just another note about this.
    After analyzing the code and determining the different ways of doing this, I wanted to point out that it would be my preference to be able to do this before any renaming is done (as opposed to exporting afterward, or doing some sort of verbose logging option), as well as after. One reason would be to output a list for someone in order to show them what to expect and get approval on it (approval is a big part of my usual jobs). So an actual representation of the listbox contents (retaining rows and columns type of text) would be great.
    Thanks, folks!

  • ianaré

    ianaré - 2009-04-06

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    Concerning saving names to a log file before renaming them, this is already present in métamorphose 2. There are options for saving the log file in CSV format if that's what you want.

    You can also load the resulting file later on (after manually modifying output names for example), and perform the renaming according to the file.

    Regarding saving out the columns individually (IOW without calculating the final names as is done now), it should be relatively straightforward to implement. I'm just not sure this approach is the better one. In my mind having the full name (path + name) is easier to understand and edit.
    What advantages do you see in having the column output vs the full name ?

  • Christopher Green

    Actually I didn't mean to suggest that having the output split like that would be any better. Paths are fine.
    But I haven't been able to get v2 to run on OSX yet. error:
    (most recent callback:)
    File "/Downloads/metamorphose_2.0.6.0/Source/renamer/", line 25, in <module>
    from import MainWindow

  • ianaré

    ianaré - 2009-04-06

    Latest source from SVN has this fixed, you can download from here :

    then install from source as normal

    If it works, would you mind sending me some screenshots on OSX ? I don't have a mac available at the momment.

  • Christopher Green

    Hi ianare. Sorry about the delay. Crazy week.
    I will be happy to do this. Should have time in the next couple of days.
    Thanks again!

    Chris G

  • Christopher Green

    Any requests for screenshots?

  • Christopher Green

  • ianaré

    ianaré - 2009-04-13

    Would like to see each of the tab panels, for the renamer tab it should have an operation activated. That's about it. Thank you.

  • Christopher Green

    more osx screengrabs

  • Christopher Green

    I've uploaded a zip archive with more osx screengrabs. Is everything supposed to be functional in this version? The Sorting tab doesn't work at all. It is as if the interface elements are disabled (but not 'greyed out'). I've seen this kind of thing when there is a bug in placing these items in the 'wrong order', i.e., panels 'in front of' radio boxes, etc.

  • ianaré

    ianaré - 2009-04-21

    Thanks much for the screenshots! I'll put them up on the site soon.
    Yes everything should work ... I'm closing this feature request and opeing a new bug report for this here :

    (you can 'monitor' it to get updates)

  • ianaré

    ianaré - 2009-04-21
    • status: open --> closed

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