
FIFE searching for a web designer!

We're currently in the planning stages of replacing our website with a better looking version that shares a consistent design among the majority of its subpages and introduces some new functionality (integration of blog & forums so users can comment on blog articles as well as planet functionality for aggregating all FIFE-related feeds in one central place).

A collection of all ideas concerning the new website can be found at our wiki:

We're looking for somebody who could take care of the following tasks:
* Either create a new design from scratch or pick one from and modify it for our needs. There are already some design-related notes at the wiki article linked above. Solid (X)HTML & CSS knowledge required.
* Create templates of the new design for the following software solutions that we plan to use for the new website:
* Mediawiki (wiki functionality)
* Drupal (planet functionality; for a first test version see:\)
* SMF (forums)
* Wordpress or any blogging solution of your choice
* Optional: find a way to integrate a blogging solution into our forums (we're using the SMF software). We looked into a couple of bridges for Wordpress but we haven't really decided on a solution yet so we would appreciate any pointer from somebody who had done something similar in the past.

If you would like to help us with this undertaking please head over to our IRC channel or the forums and let us know! :-)

Posted by mvBarracuda 2008-07-17

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