
fiChat / Blog: Recent posts

fiChat Alpha 1.0 - Happy new year

Happy new year!!
A new year,a new update

Our latest version since this post (Alpha 0.0) is very fast indeed, but unstable, premature and not much secure...

So here is the great news: Alpha 1.0
This version adds several Updates:

  • Emoticons added
  • New and improved language system added.
  • New index page
  • New column in msg table informing the msg send timestamp
  • Several new settings and customizations.
  • Maintenance mode
  • Fix: Message display order is now DESC
  • Security: Now data is filtered against SQL injection
  • Improved getMessage performance for users. (limit to up to 20 messages display per user)
  • Basic secret admin user added (Will be removed in next version)
  • Setup!!
  • Themes!!
  • Logs!!
  • Documentation!!... read more
Posted by Anonymous 2013-12-31 Labels: update alpha 1.0