
#95 Buildings, Creatures and Heroes Suggestions (endless post)



Time for more suggestions.
So take some cookies and beware of crumbs.

Knight's Castle.

Building Suggestion:

The Farm increases income by 100 gold per day.

Creature Suggestion:

Each Peasant generates 1 gold per day.

Hero Suggestion:

The Knight hero receives 2 extra temporary defense points when attacking or when defending a town/castle.

The heroes bonus are intended to that each hero type have a single bonus throughout the game.

This can be tweaked in xml file.

building income per day: farm, 100

creature generates gold per day: paysan, 1

hero single bonus: knight, attack_town_temp_defense, 2, attack_castle_temp_defense, 2, defense_town_temp_defense, 2, defense_castle_temp_defense, 2

Sorceress's Castle.

Building Suggestion:

The Rainbow generates from 2 to 5 different random resources each week.

Hero Suggestion:

The Sorceress hero recovers 2 extra magic points at the beginning of each combat turn.

Tweaks in xml file.

building generates resources: rainbow, resource_min, 2, resource_max, 5, resource_type, 0, different_resource, 1, step, 2

resource_min, 2
(possible adjustement: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, change to 3 if you want to receive at least 3 resources e.g. 1 gems, 1 sulfur, 1 mercury)

resource_max, 5
(possible adjustement: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, change to 4 if you want to receive a maximum of 4 resources e.g. 1 ore, 1 crystal, 1 sulfur, 1 wood,)

resource_type, 0
(possible adjustement: 0 for random, 1 for ore, 2 for wood, 3 for crystal, 4 for sulfur, 5 for gems, 6 for mercury (e.g. 3 you can force the crystal type))

different_resource, 1
(possible adjustment: 0 (you can have more than one unit per type of resources e.g. for 6 resources generated: 1 wood, 3 sulfur, 2 gems), 1 (only one unit per type of resources e.g. for 5 resources generated: 1 ore, 1 crystal, 1 sulfur, 1 wood, 1 gems)

step, 2
(possible adjustment: 1 for each day, 2 for each week, 3 for each month)

hero single bonus: sorceress, magic_point_combat_recovery, 2, magic_point_combat_recovery_step_turn, 1

magic_point_combat_recovery, 2
(e.g. change to 3 for 3 magic points recovered)

magic_point_combat_recovery_step_turn, 1
(e.g. change to 2 to recover magic points every 2 turns)

Warlock's Castle.

Building Suggestion:

The Marketplace allows to buy and sell artifacts.

Picture 1.

Image link:

Right click on the marketplace displays the information window.

1) The marketplace allows to convert resources. ( 3 ( 2 ) / 8 / 9 ) is displayed in every marketplace you own.

3: The number of marketplaces already built.

2 in green color: The number of marketplaces that you can build, you have the resources (2 in this case).

8: The maximum number of marketplaces that you can build (you have 8 castles).

9: The number of marketplaces needed to get the best exchange rate (9 marketplaces).

2) This marketplace allows to buy and sell artifacts (Only the Warlock's Castle Marketplaces and the Wizard's Castle Marketplaces allows to buy and sell artifacts).
( 1 ( 1 ) / 2 / 11 ) is displayed only in the Warlock castles and the Wizard castles you own.

1: The number of marketplaces already built in the Warlock castles and the Wizard castles you own.

1 in green color: The number of marketplaces that you can build in the Warlock castles and the Wizard castles you own, you have the resources (1 in this case).

2: The maximum number of marketplaces that you can build in the Warlock castles and the Wizard castles you own (you have a total of 2 Warlock or/and Wizard castles).

11: The number of marketplaces needed (in Warlock and Wizard castles) to get the best exchange rate (11 marketplaces).

3) Buy rate and Sell rate are dependent of your number of marketplaces in Warlock and Wizard castles you own.

Buy: 200% Sell: 50%

Buy rate:
1 marketplace: 200%
2 marketplaces: 190%
3 marketplaces: 180%
4 marketplaces: 170%
5 marketplaces: 160%
6 marketplaces: 150%
7 marketplaces: 140%
8 marketplaces: 130%
9 marketplaces: 120%
10 marketplaces: 110%
11 marketplaces: 100%

Sell rate:
1 marketplace: 50%
2 marketplaces: 55%
3 marketplaces: 60%
4 marketplaces: 65%
5 marketplaces: 70%
6 marketplaces: 75%
7 marketplaces: 80%
8 marketplaces: 85%
9 marketplaces: 90%
10 marketplaces: 95%
11 marketplaces: 100%

You can tweak it in xml file:

artifacts marketplaces number: 5
(default: 11)

artifacts marketplace buy base rate: 150
(default: 200)

artifacts marketplaces buy best rate: 130
(default: 100)

artifacts marketplace sell base rate: 75
(default: 50)

artifacts marketplaces sell best rate: 115
(default: 100)

In this case you will have:

Buy rate:
1 marketplace: 150%
2 marketplaces: 145%
3 marketplaces: 140%
4 marketplaces: 135%
5 marketplaces: 130%

Sell rate:
1 marketplace: 75%
2 marketplaces: 85%
3 marketplaces: 95%
4 marketplaces: 105%
5 marketplaces: 115%

(6 Artifacts for sale) shows the number of artifacts available for sale (in this case 6).

Picture 2.

Image link:

Left click on the marketplace displays the Marketplace window.

1) This button allows to enter the Artifacts Marketplace window. When you exit the Artifacts Marketplace window, you go back to the Marketplace window.

Picture 3.

Image link:

1) The artifacts available for sale.
The first row of boxes displays artifacts for sale.
Under each artifact, the base price is displayed.
Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages.
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages.

2) Current transaction Buy: 200% Sell: 50%
The second row of boxes displays artifacts selected for current transaction. The Buy and Sell rate are displayed.
Under each artifact, the positive and negative prices indicates the sale or the purchase.
Positive prices for the sale, negative prices for the purchase. The prices shown reflects the buy and sell rates.
Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages.
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages.

Move the artifacts from the first line to the second line to buy.
Move the artifacts from the equipped artifacts and/or the hero artifacts reserve to the second line to sell. (for hero artifacts reserve, see this thread: ).

+5000 (56458)

+5000 if you accept, the transaction will earn you 5000 gold.
(56458) shows your total amount of gold if you accept the transaction.

Click on the OKAY button to accept the transaction. You don't quit the window.
Click on the CANCEL button to move all artifacts in their original boxes.
You move some artifacts in the second row of boxes without clicking on the OKAY or the CANCEL button, and click the EXIT button. The transaction is not committed, as if you first press the CANCEL button before clicking the EXIT button.

3) Click a portrait to switch hero/captain. The hero/captain selected is shown. Only the heroes portraits in place are displayed (if there is only 1 hero, there is only 1 portrait, the meeting button is shown accordingly).
The red arrows button allows to display the meeting selection window. ( ).
Click on one of the red arrows buttons between portraits to choose.
The meeting window is displayed so you can arrange artifacts between heroes/captain.
When you exit the meeting window you go back to the Artifacts Marketplace window.

Under each artifact, the base price is displayed.
n/a You cannot sell cursed artifacts or magic book.

If the hero artifacts reserve option is activated the artifacts reserve is displayed (only half page at a time).

4) Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages (half page in this case).
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages (half page in this case).
These buttons are only displayed if the the hero artifacts reserve option is activated. (see this thread: ).

Tweaks in xml file:

artifacts marketplace sale growth: 1
(default: 1, the number of artifacts to be generated, 1 for 1, 10 for 10)

artifacts marketplace sale step: 2
(default: 2, possible adjustment: 1 for each day, 2 for each week, 3 for each month)

artifacts marketplace sale accumulation: 1
(default: 1, possible adjustment: 0 for the previously generated artifacts are removed, 1 for the artifacts accumulates)

artifacts marketplace sale restriction: 0
(default: 0, 0 for unlimited accumulated artifacts for sale, 1 for max 1 accumulated artifact for sale, 10 for max 10 accumulated artifacts for sale)

artifacts marketplace sale category: 3
(default: 3, possible adjustment: 1 for treasure artifacts only; 2 for treasure and minor artifacts only; 3 for treasure, minor and major artifacts only; 4 for treasure, minor, major and ultimate artifacts)

artifacts marketplace sale exclusion: 0
(default: 0, 0 for no exclusion, the artifact name for exclusion e.g. Snake Ring for the Snake Ring never appears, you can add more e.g. Snake Ring, Book of Elements, Holy Pendant)

artifacts marketplace sale cursed: 0
(default: 0, 0 for no cursed artifacts, 1 for cursed artifacts can appears)

artifacts marketplace sale rarity: 0
(default: 0, 0 for no rarity, the artifact category or/and name with percentage for rarity; e.g. major, 50 (for 50% major artifacts apparition); e.g. ultimate, 5, Snake Ring, 60 (for 5% ultimate artifacts apparition and 60% Snake Ring apparition))

artifacts marketplace sale dissimilarity: 1
(default: 1, 0 for the artifacts generated in the marketplaces are the same in each castle owned, 1 for the artifacts generated in the marketplaces are different in each castle owned)

Picture 4.

Image link:

5) You have not enough gold to make the transaction.
The OKAY button changes so you can access the Marketplace window to sell some resources (you can also change your choices).
After leaving the Marketplace window you will return to the Artifacts Marketplace window.
The amount of missing gold is displayed near the button.

Picture 5.

Image link:

1) In the Marketplace window, the amount missing of gold is displayed in red color. (Whenever in the GUI you go to the Marketplace window due to a lack of gold, the missing amount is displayed in the Marketplace window.)

(You can click on the EXIT button or the "Castle" button to go back to the Artifacts Marketplace window.)

Picture 6.

Image link:

1) When the amount of missing gold is achieved, the missing amount is displayed in green color to show that you have enough gold.

2) The total amount of gold is also displayed in green color to show that you have enough gold.

(You can click on the EXIT button or the "Castle" button to go back to the Artifacts Marketplace window.)

Hero Suggestion:

The Warlock hero has 2 extra squares of viewable area.

Tweaks in xml file:

hero single bonus: warlock, viewable_area_bonus, 2
(e.g. change to 3 for 3 extra squares of viewable area)

Wizard's Castle.

Building Suggestion:

The Marketplace allows to buy and sell artifacts. (Same as in the Warlock's Castle.)

The Library allows to store and remove cursed artifacts.

Picture 7.

Image link:

Right click on the library displays the information window.

1) The library allows to store and remove cursed artifacts. ( 1 ( 1 ) / 2 / 11 ) is displayed in every library you own.

1: The number of libraries already built in the Wizard castles you own.

1 in yellow color: The number of libraries that you can build in the Wizard castles you own, you don't have the resources (perhaps you can trade for them) (1 in this case).

2: The maximum number of libraries that you can build in the Wizard castles you own (you have a total of 2 Wizard castles).

11: The number of libraries needed to get the best exchange rate (11 libraries).

2) Remove rate and Store rate are dependent of your number of libraries in Wizard castles you own.

Remove: 200% Store: 10%

Remove rate:
1 library: 200%
2 libraries: 190%
3 libraries: 180%
4 libraries: 170%
5 libraries: 160%
6 libraries: 150%
7 libraries: 140%
8 libraries: 130%
9 libraries: 120%
10 libraries: 110%
11 libraries: 100%

Store rate:
1 library: 10%
2 libraries: 9%
3 libraries: 8%
4 libraries: 7%
5 libraries: 6%
6 libraries: 5%
7 libraries: 4%
8 libraries: 3%
9 libraries: 2%
10 libraries: 1%
11 libraries: 0%

You can tweak it in xml file:

artifacts library number: 5
(default: 11)

artifacts library remove base rate: 150
(default: 200)

artifacts library remove best rate: 130
(default: 100)

artifacts library store base rate: 11
(default: 10)

artifacts library store best rate: 3
(default: 0)

In this case you will have:

Remove rate:
1 library: 150%
2 libraries: 145%
3 libraries: 140%
4 libraries: 135%
5 libraries: 130%

Store rate:
1 library: 11%
2 libraries: 9%
3 libraries: 7%
4 libraries: 5%
5 libraries: 3%

(3 Artifacts stored) shows the number of cursed artifacts stored (in this case 3).
Cost per Day: 1250 gold shows the gold you pay each day for the cursed artifacts stored.

Why store cursed artifacts? Remove cursed artifacts is expensive, and you may not have enough gold for this and you want to free your heroes from cursed artifacts, or you want to make some gifts to yours enemies.

Store cursed artifacts can also be dangerous. As you have to pay every day to maintain cursed artifacts, it may be that you run out of gold for it.

The program reserves each day the amount of gold required for this (for the next day, and you cannot use it for anything else), but if an event occurs and you do not have enough gold, you are in a difficult position.

You have a limited time to find the missing gold (and the daily price to pay increases every day), or/and you must equip cursed artifacts on one of your heroes to reduce/not pay the daily price (you must still pay the gold missing for the previous days in a limited time).

In the xml file:

artifacts library not enough gold day: 7
(default: 7, the max number of days to pay the missing gold)

artifacts library not enough gold penalty: 1
(default: 1)
possible adjustment:

1 for: The castle became a town, all the buildings are destroyed, all creatures are canceled (in dwellings only), the captain and his reserve troops and all artifacts in the castle are canceled (captain option activated (see this thread: (Picture 7. Captain screen.) )), you can still rebuild the castle and buildings.

2 for: You lose the game.

Picture 8.

Image link:

1) Cursed Artifacts Reserve (Cost per Day).
The first row of boxes displays the cursed artifacts stored.
Under each cursed artifact, the cost to pay per day is displayed.
Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages.
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages.

2) Current transaction Remove: 200%
The second row of boxes displays artifacts selected for current transaction. The Remove rate is displayed.
Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages.
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages.

Move the cursed artifacts from the first line to the second line to remove them and stop to pay daily cost.
Move the cursed artifacts from the equipped artifacts and/or the hero artifacts reserve to the second line to remove them. (for hero artifacts reserve, see this thread: ).

3) Click a portrait to switch hero/captain. The hero/captain selected is shown. Only the heroes portraits in place are displayed (if there is only 1 hero, there is only 1 portrait, the meeting button is shown accordingly).
The red arrows button allows to display the meeting selection window. ( ).
Click on one of the red arrows buttons between portraits to choose.
The meeting window is displayed so you can arrange artifacts between heroes/captain.
When you exit the meeting window you go back to the Artefacts Marketplace window.

Note: If "The cursed artifacts are glued to the hero" option is activated, you cannot tranfert cursed artifacts between heroes/captain (see this thread: (Picture 2 paragraph) ))

Under each cursed artifact, the base price is displayed.
n/a You cannot remove standard artifacts or magic book.

If the hero artifacts reserve option is activated the artifacts reserve is displayed (only half page at a time).

4) Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages (half page in this case).
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages (half page in this case).
These buttons are only displayed if the the hero artifacts reserve option is activated. (see this thread: ).

Picture 9.

Image link:

2) Current transaction Remove: 200%
The second row of boxes displays artifacts selected for current transaction. The Remove rate is displayed.
Under each cursed artifact, the negative prices indicates the price to pay for removing them.

Picture 10.

Image link:

5) You have not enough gold to make the transaction.
The OKAY button changes so you can access the Marketplace window to sell some resources (you can also change your choices).
After leaving the Marketplace window you will return to the Cursed Artifacts Reserve window.
The amount of missing gold is displayed near the button.

Hero Suggestion:

The Wizard hero recovers 2 extra magic points at the beginning of each day.

Tweaks in xml file.

hero single bonus: wizard, magic_point_adventure_recovery, 2

magic_point_adventure_recovery, 2
(e.g. change to 3 for 3 magic points recovered)

Necromancer's Castle.

Building Suggestion:

The Skull Pile allows to transform creatures.

Picture 11.

Image link:

1) Right click on the Skull Pile displays the information window.

Picture 12.

Image link:

1) Troops to transform.
The first row of boxes where you put the troops to transform.

2) When you put troops in the first row of boxes, the second row of boxes displays the target troops.
A troop may have several targets (e.g. Black Dragon can be transformed into a Skeleton or Bone Dragon). Under the target troops, two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) (or only one at a time accordingly) allows to choose between the different targets.

3) The third row of boxes is where the tranformed troops are displayed after they are transformed.

4) This button allows to switch between base and upgraded creatures targets.

5) Where your troops are displayed. Under Your troops: First row, your standard troops, second row, your troops (half page at a time) in reserve army (if option activated).

Picture 13.

Image link:

3) Click the OKAY button, the troops are transformed.

6) The EXIT button is not available, you must dispatch your newly converted troops first.

Picture 14.

Image link:

4) You choose to switch to upgraded creatures targets.
This is just a GUI convenience, upgraded buildings must be build in the castle to access the upgraded targets (the upgraded targets only changes if the upgraded building is build otherwise the base creature targets remain selected (target by target)).
This avoids to transform the creatures and then to improve them one by one in the castle, everything is done at once.
Transform creatures to base targets is free, for the upgraded targets you must pay (just like you improve them in the castle). The price to pay is displayed near the OKAY button.
The program remember your last choices (creatures targets, switch base/upgraded target) the next time you use the skull pile.

Picture 15.

Image link:

5) You have not enough gold to make the transaction.
The OKAY button changes so you can access the Marketplace window to sell some resources (you can also change your choices).
After leaving the Marketplace window you will return to the Troops to transform window.
The amount of missing gold is displayed near the button.

Reference for transformation of creatures:


Peasant: Skeleton
Archer: Skeleton, Zombie
Ranger: Skeleton, Zombie
Pikeman: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Veteran Pikeman: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Swordsman: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Master Swordsman: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Cavalry: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Champion: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Paladin: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Crusader: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy


Goblin: Skeleton
Orc: Skeleton, Zombie
Orc Chieftain: Skeleton, Zombie
Wolf: Skeleton
Ogre: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Ogre Lord: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Troll: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
War Trol: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Cyclops: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy


Sprite: Skeleton
Dwarf: Skeleton, Zombie
Battle Dwarf: Skeleton, Zombie
Elf: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Grand Elf: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Druid: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy, Lich
Greater Druid: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy, Lich
Unicorn: Skeleton
Phoenix: Skeleton


Centaur: Skeleton
Gargoyle: Skeleton
Griffin: Skeleton
Minotaur: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Minotaur King: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Hydra: Skeleton, Bone Dragon
Green Dragon: Skeleton, Bone Dragon
Red Dragon: Skeleton, Bone Dragon
Black Dragon: Skeleton, Bone Dragon


Halfling: Skeleton
Boar: Skeleton
Iron Golem: Skeleton
Steel Golem: Skeleton
Roc: Skeleton
Mage: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy, Lich
Archmage: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy, Lich
Giant: Skeleton
Titan: Skeleton


Skeleton: none
Zombie: none
Mutant Zombie: none
Mummy: none
Royal Mummy: none
Vampire: none
Vampire Lord: none
Lich: none
Power Lich: none
Bone Dragon: none


Rogue: Skeleton
Nomad: Skeleton, Zombie
Ghost: Skeleton
Genie: Skeleton
Medusa: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy
Earth Elemental: Skeleton
Air Elemental: Skeleton
Fire Elemental: Skeleton
Water Elemental: Skeleton

This can be tweaked in xml file at your wish.

(possible adjustment: Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy, Vampire, Lich, Bone Dragon, none)

When "none" is used the creature remain the same (e.g. Bone Dragon: none, Water Elemental: none).

The Shrine allows to transform creatures. All tranformed creatures become Undead.

Picture 16.

Image link:

1) Right click on the Shrine displays the information window.

Picture 17.

Image link:

1) Troops to transform.
The first row of boxes is where you put the troops to transform.

2) When you put troops in the first row of boxes, the second row of boxes displays the target troops. This can't be changed.

3) The third row of boxes is where the tranformed troops are displayed after they are transformed.

5) Where your troops are displayed. Under Your troops: First row, your standard troops, second row, your troops (half page at a time) in reserve army (if option activated).

Picture 18.

Image link:

3) Click the OKAY button, the troops are transformed. Transform creatures to undead creatures is free.
All transformed creatures retain their special ability (e.g. Cyclops: Attack affects 2 spaces. 20% chance to paralyze creatures).

6) The EXIT button is not available, you must dispatch your newly converted troops first.

Picture 19.

Image link:

1) You have now some Undead Champions in your army. By default, all the living creatures can be transformed into undead creatures in the Shrine.

E.g. Champion to Undead Champion, Boar to Undead Boar, Black Dragon to Undead Black Dragon etc.

Tweaks in xml file:
shrine transform exclusion: 0
(default: 0, 0 for no exclusion, the creature name for exclusion e.g. Black Dragon, Earth Elemental)

Picture 20.

Image link:

I think there is no need to draw new sprites.
I don't know if technically it can be done easily.
Change all the sprites in grayscale in memory and you have an army of undead creature ready to use.
Perhaps use the same technique as for the medusa and her stone effect.

2) You can also perhaps make the sprites brightness in memory just a little clearer, I don't know, to change based on each creature sprites.

Picture 21.

Image link:

Why transform living creatures tu undead creatures?
There are some advantages for that.
You have some living troops in your undead army, but they are not very reliable, their morale is deplorable.
Living creatures don't like undead, thus their morale decreases by 1 if you have undead creatures in your army.

Undead creatures are immune to curse and mind affecting spells and have always neutral morale. Now you can trust them.

There are some advantages, but there are also some drawbacks.

1) Attack skill is reduced by 1 point.
Defense skill is reduced by 1 point.
Speed is reduced by 1 point.
As undead creatures you cannot cast bless spell on them.

So choose wisely which troops you will transform.

Tweaks in xml file:

living transform undead penalty: attack, 1, defense, 1, speed, 1
(e.g. attack, 2 for -2 points in attack skill, defense, 3 for -3 points in defense skill, etc) (attack, defense and speed have always 1 point at their minimum)

There is also another way to transform living creatures into undead creatures.

During combat, if your hero has learned Necromancy secondary skill, he can cast Animate Dead spell on a decimated living creatures troop.
(e.g. your troop of Crusaders is destroyed, if your hero has learned Necromancy secondary skill, then he can cast Animate Dead spell on them to raise a troop of Undead Crusaders.
This is permament, if the troop is again destroyed, you cannot cast Resurrection spell on them, only Animate Dead spell.)
Dragons are immune to magic so you cannot use Animate Dead spell on them.

During combat you have also the choice to raise them as undead creatures or as skeletons.

Two ways to do that.

  • In xml file (restrictive).

combat animate dead spell living undead: peasant, 1
(default: 1, 0 for the peasant raise as skeleton, 1 for the peasant raise as undead peasant)

You can also make change for other creatures:
combat animate dead spell living undead: peasant, 1, goblin, 0, crusader, 0
(In this case, peasants will raises as undead peasants, goblins and crusaders will always raises as skeletons)

  • Divide the hexagon into two zones and move the cursor over any of the zones for the choice (freedom).
    This will be explained in another post.

Creature Suggestion:

All undead creatures (also those transformed) must be immune to the Lich/Power Lich ranged attack area effects (7 hexes attack) and only take damage by direct hit.

Hero Suggestion:

The Necromancer hero recovers 2 extra magic points each time the enemy hero cast a spell during combat.

Tweaks in xml file.

undead_lich_attack_area: 0
(default: 0, 0 for undead are immune to lich ranged area effects, 1 for undead are not immune to lich ranged area effects)

hero single bonus: necromancer, magic_point_combat_recovery, 2, magic_point_combat_enemy_cast_spell, 1

magic_point_combat_recovery, 2
(e.g. change to 3 for 3 magic points recovered)

magic_point_combat_enemy_cast_spell, 1
(e.g. change to 2 to recover magic points every 2 spells)

Barbarian's Castle.

Building Suggestion:

The Marketplace allows to sell creatures.

Picture 22.

Image link:

1) Right click on the Marketplace displays the information window.

Picture 23.

Image link:

Left click on the marketplace displays the Marketplace window.

1) This button allows to enter the Troops to sell window. When you exit the Troops to sell window, you go back to the Marketplace window.

Picture 24.

Image link:

1) Troops to sell Sell: 100%.

The first row of boxes is where you put the troops to sell.

Sell: 100%, you will receive 100% of creature base price (in this case 4000 gold for the 20 rangers, 4000 gold and 2 units of sulfur for the black dragon).

The price for single unit is displayed and then the price for total units.

Tweaks in xml file:

creature marketplace sell: 50
(default: 100) In this case you will receive 50% of creature base price, e.g. for base price 20 gold you receive 10 gold (if a resource cannot be divided, it is transformed into gold).

2) 8000 (15500) 2 (7)

8000: the gold you will get for the creatures.
(15500): shows your total gold after the transaction.
2: the sulfur you will get for the creatures.
(7): shows your total sulfur after the transaction.

3) Where your troops are displayed. Under Your troops: First row, your standard troops, second row, your troops (half page at a time) in reserve army (if option activated).

Hero Suggestion:

The Barbarian hero has 2 extra movement points on the adventure map.

Tweaks in xml file.

hero single bonus: barbarian, movement_adventure_bonus, 2
(e.g. change to 3 for 3 extra movement points on the adventure map)

The barbarian hero can sell creatures at the Trading Post on the adventure map.

Picture 25, picture 26.

Image link:

Image link:

The barbarian hero can buy artifacts at the Rogue Wagon.

Picture 27.

Image link:

1) This button is displayed if there is artifacts to buy and allows to enter the Artifacts available for sale window. When you exit the Artifacts available for sale window, you go back to the Recruit Rogue window.

2) 0 (20000)

0: the gold you will pay to recruit the rogues.
(20000): shows your total gold after the transaction.

Picture 28.

Image link:

1) Artifacts available for sale. Only treasure artifacts (niveau 1) are available in rogue wagon.
The first row of boxes displays artifacts for sale.
Under each artifact, the base price is displayed.
Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages.
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages.

2) Current transaction Buy: 150%
The second row of boxes displays artifacts selected for current transaction. The Buy rate is displayed.
Under each artifact, the prices shown reflects the buy rate.
Two buttons (left arrow - right arrow) allows to navigate between the different pages.
Near these buttons (left arrow - right arrow), the numbers displays the position in the pages.

Move the artifacts from the first line to the second line to buy.

15000 (5000)

15000 if you accept the transaction, will you pay 15000 gold.
(5000) shows your total amount of gold if you accept the transaction.

Tweaks in xml file:

artifacts rogue wagon buy rate: 150
(default: 150, the percentage of the cost you will pay compared to the artifact base price)

artifacts rogue wagon sale growth: 1
(default: 1, the number of artifacts to be generated, 1 for 1, 10 for 10)

artifacts rogue wagon sale step: 2
(default: 2, possible adjustment: 1 for each day, 2 for each week, 3 for each month)

artifacts rogue wagon sale accumulation: 1
(default: 1, possible adjustment: 0 for the previously generated artifacts are removed, 1 for the artifacts accumulates)

artifacts rogue wagon sale restriction: 0
(default: 0, 0 for unlimited accumulated artifacts for sale, 1 for max 1 accumulated artifact for sale, 10 for max 10 accumulated artifacts for sale)

artifacts rogue wagon sale category: 1
(default: 1, possible adjustment: 1 for treasure artifacts only; 2 for treasure and minor artifacts only; 3 for treasure, minor and major artifacts only; 4 for treasure, minor, major and ultimate artifacts)

artifacts rogue wagon sale exclusion: 0
(default: 0, 0 for no exclusion, the artifact name for exclusion e.g. Snake Ring for the Snake Ring never appears, you can add more e.g. Snake Ring, Book of Elements, Holy Pendant)

artifacts rogue wagon sale cursed: 0
(default: 0, 0 for no cursed artifacts, 1 for cursed artifacts can appears)

artifacts rogue wagon sale rarity: 0
(default: 0, 0 for no rarity, the artifact category or/and name with percentage for rarity e.g. major, 50 (for 50% major artifacts apparition) e.g. ultimate, 5, Snake Ring, 60 (for 5% ultimate artifacts apparition and 60% Snake Ring apparition)

artifacts rogue wagon sale dissimilarity: 1
(default: 1, 0 for the artifacts generated in the rogue wagons are the same in each rogue wagon, 1 for the artifacts generated in the rogue wagons are different in each rogue wagon)

Picture 29.

Image link:

5) You have not enough gold to make the transaction.
The OKAY button changes so you can access the Marketplace window to sell some resources (you can also change your choices).
After leaving the Marketplace window you will return to the Artifacts available for sale window.
The amount of missing gold is displayed near the button.

Neutral creatures.


Ghost is an undead creature and must be immune to the Lich/Power Lich ranged attack effects (7 hexes attack) and only take damage by direct hit.

Month of the transformation of the Ghosts: When the "Month of the transformation of the Ghosts" come, all the ghosts in towns/castles and in the armies led by human and AI players are transformed into Peasants.
The Ghosts in neutral towns/castles and on the adventure map are not transformed.

Tweaks in xml file:

ghost month transformation test: 10
(default: 10, percentage of chance that a test is performed)

ghost month transformation test success: 30
(default: 30, if the test is performed, percentage of success)

So every month there is 10 percent chance that a test is performed.
If the test is performed, there is 30 percent chance that he succeeds.
If the test succeeds, the transformation takes place.


Nomad gives one additional movement point to the hero on the adventure map.

Tweaks in xml file:

nomad bonus hero: movement_adventure, 1
(e.g. change to 2 for 2 additional movement points on the adventure map)


Rogue gives informations (the same as basic scouting) and increases the hero's viewable area by 1 point.

Tweaks in xml file:

rogue bonus hero: scouting, 1, viewable_area, 1
(e.g. change to 2 for advanced scouting, change to 2 for 2 extra squares of viewable area on the adventure map)

If you read this, you definitely gained a few pounds.



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  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
  • SandySandy

    SandySandy - 2012-09-24
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