
#988 Attack Darlana Necromancer



Fheroes2 version: 0.6.2931
Windows 7 Home Premium Edition SP1

(File: Attack Darlana Necromancer.7z)
Save: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer.sav
Save: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer no gold.sav

Picture 1.

Image link:

Load: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer.sav

Sir Gallanth attacks Darlana.

Do nothing and look at Darlana. One of the animation sprites of the Necromancer hero is shifted horizontally (1 pixel?).

Sir Gallanth Surrenders.

1) After Sir Gallanth surrenders to Darlana (he does nothing during combat), he also got 500 experience points.

Picture 2.

Image link:

Load: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer no gold.sav

1) Sir Gallanth surrenders and declines the offer. The "You don't have enough gold!" window appears.

Load: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer no gold.sav

Sir Gallanth surrenders and accepts the offer, his peasant is crushed ;-)

Picture 3.

Image link:

Load: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer no gold.sav

Sir Gallanth attacks Darlana.

Open the logs.

Sir Gallanth surrenders and accept the offer.

Darlana casts Haste on the Zombie, he moves only 2 hexagons (instead of 4 hexagons). Next, Darlana cast Death Ripple (the Peasant is crushed) and the Zombie moves (this time) 4 hexagons (but as Darlana has crushed the Peasant, the Zombie should not move).

Apparently, it's the same turn (turn 1).

1) The text overflows (also cut) on the logs window and on the info bar.

Move the logs window to the top of the screen (1 pixel) so as to not cover the "AUTO" button and the top of the info bar.

Picture 4.

Image link:

Load: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer no gold.sav

Select Ector (last hero).

Ector attacks Darlana.

Open the logs.

Ector casts Slow on the Zombie.

1) In the Zombie window, the speed is not updated (should be "Speed: Crawling (1)").

2) As the Archers have no shadow, they have lower position in the box (2 pixels).

Picture 5.

Image link:

Skip for all Ector troops.

1) Darlana casts Haste on the Zombie. The Zombie moves only 1 hexagon.

Picture 6.

Image link:

1) In the Zombie window, the speed is not updated ("Speed: Very Slow (2)" instead of "Speed: Average (4)").

Skip for Champion and Crusaders.

Darlana casts Shield on the Zombie.

The Zombie moves 4 hexagons.

Some remarks on the animation.

Unlike original Heroes 2, the troop who will play is never animated (waiting animation). Also, in original Heroes 2, the yellow line around the unit is "flashing".

The waiting animations of different troops are more frequent in original Heroes 2, the battlefield seems more lively.

On the Zombie, the flies stop flying. This never happens in original Heroes 2 ;-)

The Champion waiting animation is too fast.

The Swordmen look at me constantly ;-) In original Heroes 2, I would have dismiss this troop ;-)

Also something is wrong with the Swordmen move animation, they seem limp when they walk.

Picture 7.

Image link:

1) The Shield spell animation is over the target troop, the animation is not very apparent.

Picture 8.

Image link:

1) In original Heroes 2, the animation is in front of the target troop, and the animation is also brighter (whiter).

Also, wrong "movement" for Haste spell animation (for the defender's troops it should be reversed with respect to the attacker's troops). The base of tornado should go from hexagon 10 (where is the troop) to hexagon 9 and go back to hexagon 10 instead of going from hexagon 10 to Necromancer position and back to hexagon 10.
(another example: from hex 8 to hex 7 and from hex 7 to hex 8 rather than from hex 8 to hex 9 and from hex 9 to hex 8).

So, moving forward and then backward rather than moving backward and then forward (from troop position (origin hexagon) to hexagon in front of troop and then go back to origin hexagon).

Picture 9.

Image link:

Load: Europe_0184 before attack necromancer no gold.sav

Select Ector (last hero).

Ector attacks Darlana.

Turn 1.

Cast Slow on the Zombie.
Move Champion: 45, 89
Move Crusaders: 22, 90
Move Rangers: 0, 44
Move Swordmen: 66, 91
Darlana casts Haste on the Zombie.
Zombie moves: 10, 21

Turn 2.

Skip Champion and Crusaders.
Darlana casts Shield on the Zombie.
Zombie moves: 21, 28

1) Zombie have "Defense: 2 (1)" instead of "Defense: 2 (3)" .

Win the combat. After the combat, on the adventure map, the hero disappears briefly.

Picture 10.

Image link:

1) Right click on Darlana with Ector (Scouting Basic) selected directly displays the number of creatures instead of an estimate (e.g. 1 - 2, 1 - 3 ).


1 Attachments


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