
Final Frontier Trader / News: Recent posts

Final Frontier Trader 0.66 released

Final Frontier Trader 0.66 is now available at:

Highlights of 0.66
- Added ability to buy more than 1 item of cargo at a time
- Added ability to sell more than 1 item of cargo at a time
- Cargo now restocks and changes prices in each station, if you visit it at least 1 minute after the game loads, and at least 1 minute after each visit
- Stations now have the ability to have shipyards
- Optimized the game a little more
- Made the default zoom 50% instead of 100%
- The makefile is more GNU compliant (I think)
- Logging shows time to load scenarios now
- Removed unnecessary log lines
- Updated the project file for Dev-C++ Compiling should work immediately after downloading the Dev-C++ dependencies and adding the directories the libraries and includes are in to the compiler's path.
- Fixed bug 952823, "Pressing ESC during selection screens hangs game"
- Ammo types for ammo in shops are now defined
- Bullet graphics are now preloaded in each scenario map. This should reduce or remove lag when ships fire.
- User can now buy weapon bays that have unlimited ammo.... read more

Posted by TomT64 2004-09-01

Final Frontier Trader 0.65 released

Final Frontier Trader 0.65 is now available at:

Highlights of 0.65
Final Frontier Trader now has support for multiple scenarios, and has 4 included with the package. You can now also go to a station to buy or sell cargo, buy cargo and weapon bays, and buy heatseeking missiles with which you can target enemy ships. You may also buy repairs to your ship if its shields or hull are damaged. The GUI is also new and improved.... read more

Posted by TomT64 2004-04-13

Final Frontier Trader 0.64 released

Final Frontier Trader 0.64 is now available at:

Highlights of 0.64
- The weapon change keys can be changed now
- Fixed a small bug that crashed the game when you tried to change a control to a key that was already in use
- Changed turn delays to be in milliseconds
- Added an AI ship that automatically starts attacking you
- You can be hit by the AI ship, and the right lower display shows your current speed, shields, and hull integrity
- Made it more obvious what happens in menus by replacing "Cancel" buttons with "Back to..."
- Fixed collision detection bug that would show itself when zoomed out
- Allowed non-starter player ships to be added in the object script
- Added "shootpoint" to the FPK Specification
- Added a message that outputs whenever any FPK has an error
- Made warp speed a little more interesting. It is now an exponentially increasing speed. Also allowed the engine to overheat, and cause instant game over

Posted by TomT64 2004-03-08

Final Frontier Trader 0.63 released

Final Frontier Trader is a 2D single player space strategy, combat, and trading game. You pilot a starship which is upgradable. You can buy, sell, or trade parts and even new starships. You can even join a fleet for experience in missions and combat.

Final Frontier Trader 0.63 is now available at:

This is a BIG release, despite the version number. A lot of changes have been made.... read more

Posted by TomT64 2004-03-01

Final Frontier Trader 0.62 released

Final Frontier Trader is a 2D single player space strategy, combat, and trading game. You pilot a starship which is upgradable. You can buy, sell, or trade parts and even new starships. You can even join a fleet for experience in missions and combat.

Final Frontier Trader 0.62 is now available at:

Highlights of 0.62
- Fixed some minor bugs, like using keys while paused and a couple of memory cleanup issues
- Added Color selecting to the ship selection screen
- Added some windows which ask you whether or not you want to quit or exit.
- The game now resets all relevant variables for the test flight every time you start a new game
- Added a Status Display
- Since the FPK specification has been updated, old 0.60 or 0.61 addon packs will not work with this version

Posted by TomT64 2004-02-25

Final Frontier Trader 0.61 released

Final Frontier Trader is a 2D single player space strategy, combat, and trading game. You pilot a starship which is upgradable. You can buy, sell, or trade parts and even new starships. You can even join a fleet for experience in missions and combat.

Final Frontier Trader 0.61 is now available at:

Highlights of 0.61
- Added the ability to load multiple ships, with optional shields, from addon packs via a scripting system
- Since the FPK specification has been updated, old 0.60 addon packs will not work with this version
- Updated the Controls dialog under Options to look nicer... read more

Posted by TomT64 2003-10-21

Final Frontier Trader 0.60 released

Final Frontier Trader is a 2D single player space strategy, combat, and trading game. You pilot a starship which is upgradable. You can buy, sell, or trade parts and even new starships. You can even join a fleet for experience in missions and combat.

Final Frontier Trader 0.60 is now available at:

Highlights of 0.60
- Added support for Addon Packs, also known as F-Packs (FPK)
- Added the ability to change the controls
- You can start with a different ship if you have a different addon pack... read more

Posted by TomT64 2003-10-11

Final Frontier Trader 0.59a released

Final Frontier Trader is a 2D single player space strategy, combat, and trading game. You pilot a starship which is upgradable. You can buy, sell, or trade parts and even new starships. You can even join a fleet for experience in missions and combat.

Final Frontier Trader 0.59a is now available at:

This is the second release of the new engine rewrite., and fixes many bugs. ... read more

Posted by TomT64 2003-10-04

Final Frontier Trader Release 0.59

Final Frontier Trader version 0.59 is a complete engine rewrite of the game. All controls are explained in game and the game has the following new features:
- Warp
- Zooming (100, 75, and 50%)
- Many of the features that existed in version 0.58
This promises to be a new start for this game.

Final Frontier Trader is a 2D single player space strategy, combat, and trading game. You pilot a starship which is upgradable. You can buy, sell, or trade parts and even new starships. You can even join a fleet for experience in missions and combat.

Posted by TomT64 2003-10-01

FFT Release 0.58, random goodies

The 0.58 release is out and now we have added 2 important aspects. First of all the asteroids are shootable and add points. They also respawn. Secondly both players now have shields. They are full at the start of the match and can be refilled at the planetary shop.

(Controls in readme)

Posted by biovenger 2003-02-17

Release 0.57, fun for all!

The FFT sample is now updated and sports two big changes.

The first being that ships now have health and will "respawn" when they die. (Score is nullified)

The second big addition is the shop system. By landing on the planet you can buy missile ammo and health for your score.
Press ENTER for player 1 and SPACE for player 2 to land.


Posted by biovenger 2003-02-11

Welcome to new members!

We at Final Frontier Trader welcome our two new

agentblind (John Swenson) - Programmer
vaayua (Anjan) - Tester

We hope you will enjoy working with us and contribute a lot to the rapidly growing project.

As a quick newsupdate, while agentblind is accustoming himself to the engine I am still hard at work with v.0.60. Right now the main issue is multiple addon packs, and that issue is almost solved. Hopefully v.0.60 will be out this weekend! Be patient!... read more

Posted by biovenger 2003-01-27

APC 0.1b and reuploaded 0.1a

APC 0.1a was unfortunately very wrongly packed since it only supplied a script file. This has been fixed.
Now on to business.

APC 0.1b is out and it sports numerous user-friendly improvements. No longer need you specify a target file, and if you do certain checks are made to make sure no mistakes are made.


Posted by biovenger 2003-01-12

APC: Quick Update

The APC has been updated to be more user-friendly. (0.1a version)

Posted by biovenger 2003-01-11

APC ready for download!

The FFT script compiler that we have been talking about lately is now done. Meaning we can again concentrate on working on the game, which will result in a 0.6 release someday really soon. Hopefully tomorrow or monday.

Right now you can download the APC bin for win32 machines (it will work on other machines as well, just as long as you NEVER start the compiler without any command-line options).
There is also a sample script file for you to compile. If you figure out the format, you can even write and compile your own files, not that it would do you any good, heh. Not until version 0.60 anyway.... read more

Posted by biovenger 2003-01-11

FFT script

So the secret comes out. Wondering why there have been no game updates in the past few days? Well here is the answer, we the fft team have been creating a scripting language for fft to use.
It is a very simple a robust language that simply allows you to create your own addon packs. Documentation will be up on this as the script develops. Right now, there is a CVS of the scripting, but you wouldn't understand much as there is no tutorial, yet.... read more

Posted by biovenger 2003-01-09

FFT Major updates

We're back, and we have a new addon pack for you, as well as a continuation of the two previous ones (with updates).

Introducing the new Delta Flyer Addon Pack! Play as the Delta Flyer from the TV Series Star Trek: Voyager.

The Enterprise Addon pack has been updated to avoid transparency in the wrong places.

Both of the above addon packs contain a nebula and planet which are different from the Standard addon pack.... read more

Posted by TomT64 2003-01-03

The seed of creativity springs anew.

Alright, after the long vacation on the development of the FFT engine the team is finally back at (hard) work.

To satisfy your refined palate we release a new version that you satisfy your gaming urges with. It is the 0.56 release and it sports an almost eroitical targeting-system beta. You'll find it much harder to actually target your foe if he (or she) hides in an asteroid field.

Have fun!

Posted by biovenger 2003-01-03

Ho Ho Ho - FPS

The FFT development is now back in action after a (too long) holiday vacation. As a first sample of what is to come we have incorporated an FPS lock to the game, so that it won't run faster on high-end machines.

The FPS limiter is toggleable (30/60/Off) from the Options menu.

Also, the escape button, which earlier quitted the game, now instead brings you back to the main menu, from which you can click on Exit to shut down the game.... read more

Posted by biovenger 2003-01-02

Code coming along

The GUI for the FFT is done. Of course it is a very ugly alpha of it, but it is there. It will first come out in version 0.60, for now you'd have to check out and compile the CVS to see it.

Posted by biovenger 2002-12-20

Enterprise Addon Pack

Now play as the Starship Enterprise NX-01 from the newest Star Trek show, Enterprise. Download the addon pack!

Posted by TomT64 2002-12-16

Release 0.55 out

The 0.55 version is out. It is smaller than the previous version, but still sports more graphics and eye-candy. Ships can now mercilessly fire missiles at each other (limited amount, sorry) as they duke it out on the 2x bigger map. The ship design has been changed slightly, if nothing, then to at least make it look nicer.

This is a small apertif for the grande v.0.60 that has been in the works. 0.60 will actually be a fun split-screen experience, as the map will be even -bigger-. There will be a GUI with some user-configurable options and other treats that would be a shame to reveal now! Check back often next week for the chocolate-covered goods!

Posted by TomT64 2002-12-16

Release 0.60 in sight!

Two big obstacles have been fixed today. First the implementation of the star scrolling background (with several layers for an almost erotic 3D feeling) and the modification of the map. Now the map is more than two times as big as before, both ships have stars and the doodads on the map are just images. This saves -a lot- of space as well as is very practical.

Things left to do:
* Implement a targeting system for missiles
* Fix some asteroids that fly around
* Get an effective GUI at the startup of game... read more

Posted by biovenger 2002-12-12

Coming along...

The code is now coming along. The goals for the 0.60 version are almost in reach. The greatest obstacle has now been overcome (the missiles) and the latest code is in the CVS.

Posted by biovenger 2002-12-10


The split-screen demo is a little beutified and some collision detection (to do with drawing methods) has been fixed. Enjoy.

Only binaries updated.

Posted by biovenger 2002-12-05