
Flexible File System Benchmark / News: Recent posts

Build problem in version 20050217 has been fixed

Sorry, forgot to include some files ( !), should be fixed now

Posted by Sonny Rao 2005-02-22

New snapshot, new features, fewer bugs, (new bugs?)

Ok, I've uploaded the latest greatest version. It has several notable new features and some bugfixes.

Posted by Sonny Rao 2005-02-17

FFSB 5.1.1 - Bugfixes

Version 5.1.1 is up and includes a few needed bugfiles for dealing with files > 4GB. Specifically, trying to do a read_size or write_size above 4GB didn't work and wrapped around (used 32bit value instead of 64bit). Also some other minor issues were fixed (time reporting, I think, was broken)

Posted by Sonny Rao 2005-02-16

Documentation Added

I've put the latest README file, with details on how to write a configuration file, and new features up.

Posted by Sonny Rao 2005-02-16