
AACplus support - feature request

  • kenmcd

    kenmcd - 2012-05-19

    Please add support for AACplus streams.
    Support for AAC+ in a free open source player has been on many users' wishlists.

    I saw in another thread that AAC support in ffmp3 is coming soon.
    Great news!

    A number of players can be used for regular AAC, but AACplus support has long been a problem.

    I have configured older versions of JW Player to play some AACplus streams.
    For example delivers AACplus streams with a mount point with an FLV file extension.
    Then any Flash-based player thinks it is an FLV file.
    I play these streams in JW Player like an FLV video.

    Here is another example of using an older JW Player v4.0.46 to play an AACplus stream.
    Icecast Embedded AACplus Flash Player with Metadata

    In that example player they pass the media type to the player like this:
    Various versions of JW Player have different ways of telling the player the type of media.

    You can also see that player working here:

    I have been working on a sort of ultimate radio player extension for Joomla
    and AACplus support is the biggest issue.
    Now I have to use multiple players to work around this issue.
    Being able to pay virtually any stream with ffmp3 would make development much easier.

    So when adding AAC support please also add AACplus support.
    Thank you for a great player.

  • Federico Bricker

    Dear kenmcd,
    We're working on three different approaches for this.
    1) To play AAC / AAC+ with flash internal AAC player (but playing AAC format, not masked as AAC). That way, you'll be able to play AAC as is without needing to patch anything to make your AAC looks like an FLV.

    2) To play AACPlus V2 / HE-AAC v2 (this is the difficult one, but we have much of it working so far… the problem is performance since flash can't play those formats, so we need to decode the streaming by software). We're working on making performance better.

    3) To allow FLV streamings: That will be the easy one, and will be useful for people already using AAC masked as FLV like your examples.

    We plan the release order to be 1, 3, 2.

    At the same time, we're working on simplifying the metadata display (since every codec -aac, mp3, and ogg- and server -icecast / shoutcast- have different ways and alternatives to get that. The problem is that in some cases is easier, and in some others is a mess to get that working, and requires the user to change the server configuration (wich many users can't do).

    We're commited to develop one free streaming player that supports all popular codecs working on almost every platform (including mobiles)… It's just a matter of time :)

    I hope you can use FFMp3 for AAC on your Joomla extension soon.

    Best regards,

  • kenmcd

    kenmcd - 2012-05-20

    Thanks for the ffmp3 future "roadmap" info.
    Looks like we are thinking about the same things, and the same problems.
    Glad to see you have planned solutions in the roadmap.

    My goal with this Joomla extension is to enable users to _play anything _related to online radio.
    - formats: MP3, OGG, AAC, AAC+, etc.
    - protocols: HTTP, RTMP, RTSP, MMS, etc.
    - metadata: from both Icecast, Shoutcast, etc.

    Currently it takes 5-6 different players to get all the features supported that I want to have in this ultimate radio player.
    (it also supports having your own playlists, your own mini "radio" station, and that takes some other players too)
    It gets pretty complicated keeping it all straight, and trying not to confuse the users at the same time.

    ffmp3 is my #1 radio player of choice because of the support for MP3, OGG, metadata, and skins all in one player.
    With the skin feature I can make a very nice looking custom player.
    The radio player feature most requested in the Joomla forums has always been to display the currently playing song.

    But so many streams are now AAC and AAC+ . . . and more are going that way.
    And users want to play the better quality streams when they can.
    So I look forward to any new features in ffmp3 which support the various AAC flavors.

    For quite a few months now I have been subscribed to these forums,
    so I have read every post here for quite some time in order to keep abreast of the development.

    Thanks for a great player.
    Glad to see the increased activity recently.

    Best regards,


  • gr1298

    gr1298 - 2012-05-23

    Dear Federico:

    I should write about Mr. Jaromanda - the guy that is making actually the Edcast project to reborn - at - and as you can read at this link:!msg/haxelang/wggRrEqjUY4/EVeI4YTvRvAJ  - also  Mr Jaromanda has bits developed to an AAC player…. get in contact, he is using Haxe as I could read - I think will improve a lot and make things easier and quicker…….

    Also I want to Congratulate your team for yours Excellent work, every new version your Player is getting better,


  • gr1298

    gr1298 - 2012-05-23

    I am sorry I forgot to say that the AAC Player of Mr Daniel Brinca has a very interesting mechanism to connect with servers without 80/843 open ports, by means of socket connection with php script…. you can find it at: http://www. also Mr  Jaromanda player project can be find at:   I guess it helped a bit.


  • Federico Bricker

    Dear Gigi, we are aware of those initiatives. In fact we have Daniel Uranga working with us for this (who was in contact with Mr Jaromanda for those topics). The problem is that Mr Jaromanda isn't willing to liberate his code, so we made it from scratch.
    Right now we have the everything implemented and working… we're just testing, integrating and tuning things up. About the PHP in the middle script, we don't want to face these alternative, since for small sites may work, but for big ones it may crash your webserver.

    Anyway, thanks for your interest :)

    Best regards,

  • gr1298

    gr1298 - 2012-05-25

    Ok, Deseo a usted y los otros hermanos mucho suceso, I guess I wrote it correctly.

    I will be waiting for this new version,


  • gr1298

    gr1298 - 2013-05-02

    Dear Federico, it is a while I am not hearing from your progress, can You update me about the AAC 'saga'?
    Best Regrets, G

  • Federico Bricker

    Hi, we had a little stop on this implementation, but it's almost ready (it's been like this for the past 8 months in fact), but I didn't had time to push it forward.
    I think a beta version will be released under vesion 1.0b in the next 2 months, but I can't be sure this yet.


  • Federico Bricker

    Hi, we finally published the AAC version. Please check for details.



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