
FeigBot / News: Recent posts

New Release - FeigBot 4.02

FeigBot 4.02 got released. New scripts/modules and bugfixes got added.

ChannelManagementAccount.lua and ChannelManagementMask.lua show how to write simple channel management scripts in lua.

ChannelLogging is an example module to show how to write "larger" modules.

Here are the changes:

24th March 2008:
* Modified helpfile_insert() and helpfile_remove() to now accept a path.
* Added lua_helpfile_insert() and lua_helpfile_remove() to lua.c and Lua-Help.txt.
* New example lua script called 'ChannelManagementAccount' to manage a simple userlist of a channel with accounts.
23th March 2008:
* New example module called 'ChannelLogging' to log channels.
* New example lua script called 'ChannelManagementMask' to manage a simple userlist of a channel with irc masks.
* Modified lua_database_get() so it now returns the keys as table when node is DB_OBJECT.
9th March 2008:
* Changed delay in socket_loop().
* Minor changes.
5th March 2008:
* Removed fd_set for writing to the socket in socket_loop() again - caused 100% cpu usage.
2nd March 2008:
* Added missing FREE_REG_FUNC(account_logout).
26th February 2008:
* Increased version to 4.02.

Posted by feigling 2008-03-24

New Release - FeigBot 4.01

FeigBot 4.01 got released. Plenty of new commands and bugfixes got added.

Here are the changes:

25th February 2008:
* If there is no <!INDEX!> in any helpfile, simply display all available commands.
* Changed output of cmd_command slightly.
* Replaced 'flags_pos += snprintf(flags + flags_pos, sizeof(flags) - flags_pos, ...)' with a seperatorlist in STATS COMMANDS.
* Fixed bug in binding_count_arguments().
* Minor code changes here and there & some changes in the helpfile.
* Modified to disallow make install - hopefully it'll work.
24th February 2008:
* Minor code changes here and there & some changes in the helpfile.
14th February 2008:
* Renamed socket_clear_flood() to socket_clear_sendq() and added a fd_set for writing to the socket to socket_loop().
* Added regfunc SF_PRE_QUIT which gets called when '/msg bot die <reason>' is executed.
12th February 2008:
* Removed unused CHANMAX define from common.h.
11th February 2008:
* Fixed a problem with invalid pointers in commands_parse() when the bot reconnects.
* Added BINDING_NOLOG so commands won't be logged.
* Added 'realname_request' and 'log_irc' to config file.
* Modified the help file (added new commands, modified existing entries).
* Changed 'list->text' to 'list->length ? list->text : "none"' in some commands like cmd_whois.
* Removed binding_deactivate() and added binding_modify() to set/unset all binding flags.
* Changed 'Can't' and 'Couldn't' to 'Unable to' in all error messages.
10th February 2008:
* Moved '#include <common.h>' from database.c to database.h.
9th February 2008:
* Fixed small problem in
* Changed ordering of ${CFLAGS} and $(CFLAGS_MODULE) in Makefiles of all modules.
* Moved older parts of CHANGELOG to CHANGELOG_OLD.
8th February 2008:
* Added information to see how long it takes to write the databases (cmd_writeall).
* Added checks for sys/time.h and gettimeofday() to
* Added BINDING_HIDDEN to hide bindings in cmd_commands.
* Added missing call 'call_user_regfunc(UF_KICK, ...)' in raw_kick (irc_raw.c).
* Solved dependency problem with modules in lua_register_module_env in lua.c.
* Modified the help file (added new commands, modified existing entries).
* Modified to now use OBJEXT and EXEEXT and removed *.pid.
* Created which contains compile information modules need.
* Modified Makefiles of all example modules to now use
* Renamed to
7th February 2008:
* Added 'log_main->level |= LOG_NO_PRINTF;' back to main.c. Somehow it got lost in version 4 although it was there in older versions.
* Removed useless function printStackDump() from lua.c.
1st February 2008:
* Added 'FORCE' to cmd_unbind for lua commands.
* Added memset() to to_lower() to clear the buffer.
30th January 2008:
* Added salt to account passwords to make them more secure. Still supporting old (unsalted) passwords.
* Added LOGOUT command and account_logout regfunc (added to lua and modules as well).
* Added account_logout regfunc to example module and example lua script.
* Modified the help file (added new commands, modified existing entries).
* Renamed all lua reg functions from xxx() to on_xxx() like irc_reconnect() to on_irc_reconnect().
25th January 2008:
* Small modifications here and there.
* Added send priority to socket_send() so important messages like PONG are sent without adding them to the queue first.
* Removed 'rm *.db *.log' from
14th January 2008:
* Added irc_reconnect() to lua.c.
* Changed LOG_FILE_REWRITE to LOG_FILE_KEEP for the main log in main.c.
* Changed copyright information from 2004-2007 to 2004-2008 in every file.
* Changed output of cmd_chaninfo.
5th January 2008:
* Minor code changes in main.c and log.c.
9nd November 2007:
* Suppress error message when reading database when no gags are active.
* Added sourceforge url to cmd_version.
* Increased version to 4.01.

Posted by feigling 2008-02-25

First Release

First public version of FeigBot released. Enjoy it.

Posted by feigling 2007-11-08