
Italian translation ready

  • Emanuele Cipolla

    I have greatly enjoyed using FeedReader, and as I saw it lacks an Italian translation I made it.

    I tried to talk to Tom but received no answer.

    How can I make it appear in

    Please answer me soon. Thanks

    • shockzor

      shockzor - 2005-06-08

      Nice to hear you contributed with a translation!

      If you already mailed him and that didnt work, then try post in the mailing list.

      You could also upload the file to a webspace then post a link to it here on the forum (just until further).

    • Emanuele Cipolla

      Sure. You can get the translation file from:

      I would like to get some feedback, too. Thanks.

    • Emanuele Cipolla

      Ahem... The file was unavailable due to issues with my FTP program - or, rather, my brain. Until now. My apologies.


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