
Open Source

  • ispyisail

    ispyisail - 2007-09-06

    This software is not open source
    Once you install the software you need to register.
    I assume payment will be required

    The trial version crashed and the (english) Internationl version is full of The Thai language

    • Dusit

      Dusit - 2007-09-06

      Thank you ispyisail for your comment.

      First of all, I never inform that my software is open source although most of software in this website are.

      You can use and register free of charge because I created this program for education purpose. I don't have my website so, I use sourceforge website to distribute my software. Because my software is freeware and there are many programs in sourceforge are freeware also. However, there are many programs that are open source or freeware but you have to donate or paid a little for using as full features. But my software is open for using free although I protect my software. Because I would like to know the users of FeedMU. Though, you can use it free of charge. I hope you will use FeedMU and get the benefit.

      You can select language, Thai or English, at the first run. If you cannot read Thai, I suggest you to change language by select the second menu and then select the last sub menu. You will see the dialog box and then select the language you prefer.

      If you have any problem especially English, you can contact me any time.

    • ispyisail

      ispyisail - 2007-09-06

      Thanks for your reply

      I have assumed to use you needed to show the source code?

      I feel a better web site for freeware is!

      We could help you make your software better, but if you make it closed source you could change the rules at any time and lock us out and we would be wasting our time.

      Whats the advantage for you making the source code closed?

      • Dusit

        Dusit - 2007-09-07

        Thank you for your comments.

        I registered but I cannot upload my file. I think sourceforge website is very good website so, I use this website to share my program.

        However, if you would like to help me, I am very pleased welcome you. I can send my source code direct to your email address if you would like to. I am afraid that there will be some guy use my source code to edit some part and sell it. Although, I create FeedMU for education purpose and let users to use it free of charge.

        I understand you point and it is good for sharing code and make it better. I like open source idea and I would like to share also.

        Anyway, my source code has many parts as Thai. If you would like to make it better and share idea with me, I will change to English and then send directly to you. For next version, I will separate Thai and international version. Because it is easy to manage. However, I don't know how to control my source code to be same in all version. I never use sourcesafe in VS and I don't understand the concept. So, I will learn and use it for control my source code. I have many source code files in each version and I cannot share that source code for different version.

        Thank you in advance for your help and hope to share and cooperate with you in the near future.


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