
fcca / News: Recent posts

Version 0.8.0 released! (reborn from the ashes :)

Version 0.8.0 has just been released! It's a complete rewrite of the original project, including completely remade graphics.

Hope you enjoy this new version. It's still very limited, but soon new features will be included.

Posted by Andre Wagner 2008-02-02

Version 0.07 released

A new version has been released! Changes:

+ beach shores
+ hidden tiles
+ the screen now centers on the unit
+ indians

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-05-25

Version 0.06

Version 0.06 has been released! News:
+ unit state added (wating, fortified, sentry)
+ contact with indians added

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-05-18

New developer

Ladies and Gentlemen, we got ourselves a new developer: Mr.Sneeze! He drew most of the terrains and will be helping us specially with the GUI.

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-05-18

Version 0.05 released

Version 0.05 released! Changes:
+ a new developer has joined the project: Mr. Sneeze! He made a few changes in the GUI and drew all terrain types!
+ a few bugfixes (as usual)
+ the mouse control has been added

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-05-17

Version 0.04 released

A new version has been released! A few bugfixes in the movement of the units were made, and there's a pioneer now.

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-05-08

New webpage

The new webpage is online! You can take a look at

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-05-08

Version 0.03 released

Version 0.03 has been released. Changes in this version:

+ the dialog subsystem was created, so now dialogs can be easily created
+ the units can now unboard
+ fcca is now built using autotools (./configure; make; make install)

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-05-04

Version 0.02 released

A new version has been released. Not much has changed, but now there's a island and a soldier into that island. Once again I say: fear not! There's more to come!

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-04-15

Version 0.01 released

The version 0.01 of fcca has been released. It is a very very simple version with nothing but a ship that wanders through the ocean. But fear not: there's more to come!

Posted by Andre Wagner 2004-01-16