
fb-contrib: Version 6.0.0 release

fb-contrib is a bug detector plugin for the FindBugs application (
This release adds six detectors that can easily be integrated into FindBugs by dropping the jar file into FindBugs' plugin directory. fb-contrib version 6.0.0 requires FindBugs version 3.0.0 or later. This version of fb-contrib uses java 1.6.
New Detectors added in this release:

Presize Collections
Looks for methods that create and populate collections, and while knowing the end size of those collections, does not pre allocate the collection to be big enough. This just causes unneeded reallocations putting strain on the garbage collector.

Array Index Out of Bounds
Looks for questionable load/stores to array elements.
Looks for accesses to array elements using literal values that are known to be outside the bounds of the array. This mistake will cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException to occur at runtime.
Looks for stores to array elements where the array itself appears to have not been allocated.

Unjitable Methods
Looks for methods that are too big that the JIT will not compile them no matter how often they are run

Hangable Executors
Looks for executors that are never shutdown, which will not allow the application to terminate
--contributed by Kevin Lubick - THANKS!

Conflicting Time Units
Looks for methods that perform arithmetic operations on values representing time where the time unit is incompatible, ie adding a millisecond value to a nanosecond value.

Http Client Problems
The HttpRequests from the apache.httpComponents have some little-known quirks about them. This is a set of detectors that helps guard against resource starvation.
--contributed by Kevin Lubick - THANKS!

Posted by Dave Brosius 2014-07-26

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