
#18 Numbers beginning with 0 (zero) rendered incorrectly

Renderer (18)

I noticed this when looking at how Fangs rendered
telephone numbers in my text. In the UK and other
European countries at least, area codes begin with a 0
(zero). Any number beginning with zero is rendered
incorrectly, or not rendered at all (the zero prefix
stays, but the rest of the number vanishes). A break
of some sort seems to be need in the HTML between the
zero and the following digits. I used an empty SPAN
element immediately following the zero and immediately
preceding the following digits to get the number
correctly rendered.


  • Peter

    Peter - 2005-06-07
    • priority: 5 --> 6
    • assigned_to: nobody --> swepete
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have also seen this e.g. Call us on 0800 612 0226 reads as
    "Call us on zero six hundred twelve one hundred fifty". In
    addition to fixing the problem, is there a better way to
    format the number in the HTML so it reads as "Call us on
    zero eight zero zero six one two zero two two six"?


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