
fail2ban-0.8.2 released

More than 6 months since the last release, 0.8.2 is finally out [1]. This one contains a lot of fixes and new features. So I hope we have not introduced to many bugs. Here are the most important things introduced in 0.8.2:

- Added "full line failregex". It is now possible to match a whole line. This should avoid deny of service attacks against fail2ban. Currently only sshd.conf uses this feature. Thanks to Yaroslav Halchenko.

- The default socket location is now /var/run/fail2ban. Do not forget to create this directory first. Moreover, fail2ban-server create a PID file in this directory.

- New communication server using asyncore/asynchat. Fixes some issues on Solaris.

- Python 2.3 support. Fail2ban 0.8.2 now runs with Python 2.3.

- New log rotation detection implementation. Much simpler and less buggy.

There are a lot of other fixes and features. Please look at the ChangeLog for all the details [2]. Configuration files from previous 0.8 releases are compatible with 0.8.2. So I recommend to upgrade to this version.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


Posted by Cyril Jaquier 2008-03-05

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